Sport i don't know what and when to eat!

Sport Fitness
i'm 14 years old, 5foot9.5, girl, and i don't know how much i weigh since i don't judge myself on a random "number"...i just look at myself.

it's pretty hard since my family doesn't really eat "healthy" i make, eat, and buy (i don't pay;p) my own food.
i don't eat anything from 7:40 ( school starts) until 2:30 ( when i come home from school ). my teachers will throw me out if i eat or drink anything ( except water ) in class so i don't eat anything at all for over 6, i don't eat lunch.

SOO, the whole "eat 5-6 meals every 2-3 hours" is out. ;/
unless, i was thinking of going into the bathroom and eating..uhh or not.

so please tell me what to do..and WHAT to EAT!!!!!
your school does not have lunch break?

Idealy you should not be going for much longer than 3 hours without a meal.
Your weight is not a "random number" lol, it is a good way to gauge whether what you are doing is working. You could lose 5 pounds or gain 5 pounds and not know it because you are not keeping track.

If you have to, sneak some food walking down the halls or whatever. I find it hard to believe you have no lunch break at school. can you give us your exact schedule, that way we can help you develope something tangible?