I Desperately need your PRECIOUS help

Long Story Short:
My name is Anthony. I'm 16 ( 11th grade / junior year ).
I am THE SHORTEST GUY in my whole CLASS ( even 65% of girls in my class are taller than me.)
I am 164 cm ( 5 foot 38 inch ):pain7:
In addition to that, I'm way too skinny, close to become underweight, I'm 50 kilos.
however, I'm consulting a dietitician from last month, so this is kinda getting better with my new eating routine.)
HOWEVER,:angry3::angry3: I've got chicken legs and arms while the other boys are ,let's say, more 'developed'.
I do not do any sports, except one hour of P.E at school, and I consider it as a 30 min class because half of the time I find myself useless in sports like basketball so I sit on the bench and watch.
We have a treadmill, that's all equipment we own, not willing to buy anything else, hard situation eh?
this month, I'm :eating::eating: in order to get fatter
according to my doctor, I even have a lack in FAT and of course MUSCLE in my body.
In one year, iT'll be PROM SEASON!!
OH GOD! I really dont wanna look like a hopeless elf next year.
Help me by proposing anything: from routines to tips to EVERYTHING
thank you:)
Hi Anthony,

I feel for you, I used to be a short skinny kid too. Don't get too down on yourself. I know what its like to feel like less developed thatn the others. By no means does ot diminish you. Some of us develop either slower or less than others. 50 kgs is not too bad for your age and height, as long as your not anorexic. However, its fine to want to gain some mass.

I think that you would benefit greatly if you got into some kind of execise classes around something fun or inspiring to do. I suggest martial arts but thats just me, it could be anything you like( eg.dance, parkour,:) ). As for the concern about equipment, I would'nt worry too much because you can do alot of strength training with body weight exercises and cardio is easily covered by a jog or a cycle.

Take heart dude :)
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I don't think it has a thing to do with developing slower, because I feel it is gene-related, plus the fact that they do sports and I do not.
By the way, do you think in my case is tennis or swimming better?
I don't dare going to the gym because the situation would be Embarrassing :Y
Though, I'd like to thank you because I never thought someone would reply to me.
I'm not anorexic but the fact that I have close to zero shoulder muscles and biceps muscles is making everyone comment about and it's bugging me :(
It sounds to me that you don't feel comfortable in team sports, so yes swimming or tennis could be more suited for you. Some people are into more solitary sports(me inclusive).