Well maybe I can...It started off with some cheese at a party, then onto the buffalo wings, moving swiftly along to the ribs and then some bacon. I just had a bite size of each, I was telling myself that of course 'it wasn't doing any harm, I wasn't having the whole thing! and besides, no alcohol was crossing my lips so I was safe!' Terrible terrible thing I could have done. Only thing is I'm really bored with the recipes, especially the meat dishes, there's only so much one can do with salt, pepper and curry powder. I'm not allowed chillies or anything in that department. Are any of you allowed chicken stock? The homemade kind that is...if that was acceptable I'd live off soup, but alas no...I do however feel good, I've lost 10kg's so far and I'm wearing a jeans today that used to cut into my sides, now I have to keep pulling it up even though I'm wearing a belt! So I understand that in order to lose weight I need to stick with the programme, but what other ways of preparing food are there?
Really, I started this diet loving pepper, i can't take the taste of it anymore...
Really, I started this diet loving pepper, i can't take the taste of it anymore...