I ate fast food!

I think some of you might find this amusing...

I've been doing these mega-workouts in preparation for an upcoming race in November. It's basically a brick workout (end to end disciplines) but much harder than what you would normally do. A standard brick is going to be a long ride with an easy run to follow. The mega-workouts are long hard rides followed by runs with fast paces.

Lately these mega-workouts have happened to land on really HOT weekends. The last one was 102F and I was litterally falling apart trying to complete it. I had the grand daddy of all mega-workouts yesterday. It consisted of:

- a 56 mile bike
- a 13 mile run
- a 56 mile bike
- a 5 mile run

After completing the first bike and run, I started to fall apart... I was bonking. I had consumed over 400 calories an hour on the bike and a little less on the run but I felt like I was done and was ready to call it quits. I tried to eat and nearly hurled at the thought of eating another freaking bar which I eat so many of.

I was reminded of a pro triathlete who loves Happy Meals and that was it, I was on the hunt for fast food. I came across Taco Bell and ate one of their healthy options and drank and REAL Pepsi. After about 30 minutes, I had my legs back and was able to get through the rest of my workout but I did have some major GI issues from the meal for a bit.

The workout took 9 hours to complete and the temperature reached 94 degrees. With the exception of the small break for Taco Bell, I completed the bikes and runs as prescribed. Upon completion of the workout, I weighed in at 6 pounds less than when I started with hyrdation levels being similar from start to finish.
Wow. That's an impressive workout. I pretty much feel like a wimp right now for not wanting to go run 7 miles :(
I don't understand you endurance types who consume 400 calories per hour when you're burning easily 800+, and then act surprised when the wall comes flying at you with sharp pointy teeth. :rofl:

Assuming a fully fed state before starting, total (muscle and liver) glycogen stores are good for, what, 350g'ish? So, let's be conservative and put it at 700 calories/hr you're expending while burning. We both know it's likely considerably more, but just for the sake of making the point:

5 Hours In

Intake = 400 * 5 = +2000 Cal
Cost = 700 * 5 = -3500 Cal
Glycogen Reserves = +1400 Cal
Net = 100 Cal debt you can't pay, resulting in inevitable bonk.

You're friggin' awesome, btw ;), but I think you'd be more so if you didn't screw around with your nutrition.

Here's what I would do: get some instantized casein and mix it with glucose+fructose at a 1:4 or higher ratio, sea salt, potassium salt, and some MCT. Throw a handful or two of rolled oats in for good measure (for structure, actually, giving all that sugar something to stick to). Now take that **** and make some super dense protein bars out of it by chopping (with a blender/food processor) almonds and adding egg white as necessary. Bake that **** for 10'ish minutes, let it cool, slice and dice it into equal servings, wrap it, and figure out a system for strapping it all to you like you're Rambo going to warrrrr. :D

Run nutritional info calc and eat what will probably be 1 "bar" every half hour and be sure to drink ****lots of liquid (like you should be anyway). Might take some experimenting to make the bars not taste nasty (dun think so, with all that sugar in there, and a good flavor... I'm thinkin' chocolate. Ohh, you could even throw some cranberries up in that bitch. The sweetened kind. Trail mix!), but you could even just modify some of Berardi's Gourmet Nutrition protein bar recipes, which I will be more than happy to pm you - only, I found most of them disgusting.

Or you could, y'know, order pizza for halfway through the next big race...

No, seriously, is that allowed? XD

... Sorry about the rant. Mostly just thinkin' out loud.
very nice workout.... but Taco Bell- hahah sweet.

I remeber at the orlando 70.3 the #1 seat said he will have egg mcmuffins, hashbrowns, o.j. and coffee prior to the race. Then he eats 3 gels per hour and drinks the soda. Sugar rush. BUT- he also said for the 140.6 distance he can't do that because his body will run out of water. He made is VERY clear that the 2 distances were 2 different worlds.

I have a 120 mile ride this Sat
and then ride 80 / run 10 (brick) on Sunday.

how were legs going from 13 run to 56 ride? (that reverse section had to hurt.) "Of course it hurts It;s Ironman"

what paces?

Focus: I can't process any more than 400 calories an hour. You forgot about fat stores though... a very large fuel source... about 40,000 calories for me. Right? 7% bf, 150 lbs, 3500 calories per pound.

I'm not sure what all those ingredients were in your super bar but I'd try anything as long as I could stop eating the same stuff.

FF: The legs were definitely worked but the bonk caused a major meltdown. Taco Bell saved my butt. ;)

This was the workout:

56mile bike + 13mile run + 56mile bike + 5mile run
Bike: do as 2x56mile loops and vary the terrain – include 1 sustained 1,000ft. climb, rolling hills and flats during each loop

First run: try to hold 8:25-8:30pace on rolling hills course
Second run: try to hold 8:15-8:20pace on flat course

I ran 8:23 on the first and 8:18 on the second so I pretty much nailed it.


I haven't had real Pepsi in years... it was YUMMY!

G8R80 & MJ:

wow! who wrote the plan? it is custom? I will get with you on all this after the Great Floridian. I will have 12 months until IMFL. I figure that to be my 2nd and maybe last full Ironman.

G8R- he has a really cool site. And he bloggs there, and he is a fun read. It's in his signature. He is a majorly fast, and competitive mofo in this lil iron distance community. I think God and the universe brought him to our lil place to rasie the bar for me. He makes some of the naive things you say, actually possible. Like coming off a 19 mph bike pace, and then running 7's! hahaha

ok ok, I am a fan! what of it.

The plan is custom and pretty much built on the fly based on my numbers from the previous two week period. We're pushing the envelope at this point which is why I have had some spectacular meltdowns on some recent workouts. Even though Saturday was almost another catostrophe, I feel completely positive on how it worked out in the end and am excited about November now.

re: IMFL, let me know what you need.

re: Journal, I will set one up.
That workout is insane. Insanely amazing.

That's one hell of a workout. I don't know many people who can pull that off. Respect to you ;)
Focus: I can't process any more than 400 calories an hour. You forgot about fat stores though... a very large fuel source... about 40,000 calories for me. Right? 7% bf, 150 lbs, 3500 calories per pound.

I'm not sure what all those ingredients were in your super bar but I'd try anything as long as I could stop eating the same stuff.

7% bf, -4% that's probably stuff that'd still be there after you died of starvation, but still more than enough considering you were operating at probably 98% aerobic, assuming flat 80'ish % MHR? So yeah, my rant fails.

Guess if I had thought it through properly (sadly, the possibility of such a thing defies the definition of a stream-of-consciousness rant, I think :p), I'd have realized that it was likely the salt you were craving, not the calories. And maybe also the chance to cool down a bit.

Thanks for taking the time to answer! Now that I've had a chance to actually apply what I should, in theory, have already known, it all makes so much more sense. :D

I guess it's your hydration, then, that sucked? Haha. I'd still make the bars, though, I think. Maybe just do half the calories with the same salt content. I insist that they'd probably be very tasty. I would stake my homemade bars against any brand or flavor on taste, let alone nutritional content. But, would it then become difficult to take in enough water? Not really sure how that works, exactly, as I've yet to actually be awake for a race. :rolleyes:
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To be honest, it's just too hot to train in but I don't have an alternative. I did a post-mortem on the workout and I can only point at possibilities... electrolyte imbalance, points of dehydration, under nourished, etc. But who knows? In extreme heat like that, the body will move a significant amount of blood to the skin's surface in order to cool down. The combination of any or all of the above could be the cause.

Hydration and bars... nothing could be worse than drinking 8oz of water with every gel. That's why I stay away from gels.

Btw, one of the reasons I like this site is because people can share ideas (right or wrong) and talk them through with others. So feel free to rant, it makes us all think.