I ate cheese!! Pls help! (long post, but pls pls read and answer asap!!)

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Can someone pls tell me if I went over the intake of fat or cals with three thick slices of seriously strong chedder cheese? I can't remember the make.
They wernt huge slices but thick enough. I had three last night and three the day before (in my sandwich with ham, tomato and pepper).
I don't often have cheese and hardly ever strong chedder.
I was told there's alot in one slice and I dunno if I've eaten 100g or not with those three slices but I was told 100g is more than your daily intake of fat and sat fat, possibly calories too without anything else you ate that day.
Yesterday I also ate a weight watchers Belgian choc mousse, weight watchers crisp things, three weetabix, a tin of spaghetti which was low sugar and fat and three low fat tescos pancake things in a packet.
I can't find anythibg at all to tell me how much is in the cheese I've eaten.
I'm freaking out!!

I am unwell ATM with a cold thing, tho better than yesterday and my husbands told ms I got to rest today instead of doing my usual half hour to an hour ecercise of aerobics etc throughout the day. I only did half hour yesterday and I'm just sitting here so my body won't burn off the fat from the cheese or the sugar from anything else.
My bodys craving sugar ATM and I was told when I'm I'll just to eat what I want and relax cos my body could use the extra sugar and fat and I won't gain weight. Is this true? How long would it take to see the podge from the cheese and anything sugary I might eat now?
I am very careful when lookinh at sugar too and apart from a tiny sprinkle on weetabix and just under a tablespoon in hot milk drinks with whiskey when I'm I'll I don't have extra sugar...just whatever already in food.
I had the hot sugary milk drink to help my throat just before bed..a mug.
I CANT put weight on, please help!!
I need a dessert a day and without any low fat packet pancake things I may have a light muller rice or a weight watchers mini choc roll thing.

Also if there's anyone who has an obsession with counting cals, grams etc that's taking over their lives pls let me know if u wamna add me to fb or msn. Thx.
Ok, I feel there's a few issues in this post.

First, please stop fretting over things you have no more control over - you can't do anything about the cheese or whatever else you ate in the last few days - my advice is to accept that you maybe made a mistake and move on from that. You will not gain any significant weight from a couple of lapses over a couple of days. Just accept and move on.

Besides, no one can tell you how many calories you ate from the information you gave (they would need weights of what you ate at least) and if they did it would be a VERY rough estimate that honestly wouldn't really help you.

What you can learn from this experience is that if you want to track your calories properly you must weigh and record everything you eat. That is the only way you will know how many calories you've eaten in a day. You cannot just make a vague list of what you had from memory and expect to get an even remotely accurate number from that.

There's plenty of websites that can help you log what you've eaten in a day and it might be an idea to carry a little notebook with you so that you can record what and how much you've eaten as you go along.

HOWEVER, having said all this, I am most concerned that counting calories is something you should not be doing anyway given your final statement:

Also if there's anyone who has an obsession with counting cals, grams etc that's taking over their lives pls let me know

If you feel you are obsessed with your weight or what food you're eating and that this is taking over your life I strongly advise you to talk to someone close to you about this and/or consult a medical professional. This is not a healthy mind set for you and may only get worse.
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Thankyou. I've contacted a support group and I'm still waiting a referral to a mental health dietician. I mainly add up my intake by percentages and try to have as little as possible in the way of percentages to allow for hidden extras like cals from fat which I find very confusing.
It sounds confusing! :)

I'm glad you've been seeking help, that's a really important step - well done.

Maybe you should try to be kinder on yourself regarding food until you've seen the dietician? Give yourself a break if possible. I understand that maybe that's easier said than done.
I think if you did gain anything from eating the cheese, which is very unlikely, it will be unnoticeable.

The best thing to do is forget about it and concentrate on your future and not the past :)
People need to stop being scared of their damn food. There is absolutely nothing wrong with eating CHEESE! If you stay within your allotted calorie intake you will lose weight.

I can eat snicker's bars everyday of the weekend and still lose weight if that was my only objective.

I suggest getting a good multi-vitamin, fish oils, adequate protein for your LBM, lift moderate weights 3 days a week, and stop fretting about menial things such as dairy products.
Stop stressing over food. This needs to be a lifetime commitment to healthy eating and it isn't feasible that you will never eat cheese. It isn't a race to lose weight but a slow process to get yourself healthy and lose fat. Don't beat yourself up if you eat something that you wish you hadn't, you are only human, just learn from it and get back to healthy eating.
Good luck, you can do this just don't stress or it will be harder :)
I'd take up a book about eating disorders, anorexia the road to recovery is a helpful one, there are many others out there. Rings too many bells for me.

I want to advise you but its not possible- an eating disorder is a serious thing and giving into it by rationalising the food side will not help you. What you need to do is to disconnect the strong bond you have with your food and work on dropping the intense control you have, bit by bit. Its not easy but nothing worthwhile ever is easy! It can be done though.

Cheese, chocolate, anything like that, its all normal to eat- by not ever eating it your putting yourself in a cage and doing so prevent yourself taking up a normal healthy and well lived life. Being the skinniest person in the grave yard is not your aim I'm sure, and when you look back at your life wont it be devestatingly sad to see a diary full of calorie fears rather then true life experiences.

Mental health care can be really good here in the UK, especially if your able to see a specialist, but its not the sort where you can just go see someone and walk away feeling better or more able to cope, most of the work comes from your side and it is alot of work, requires you to relaly work on your trust issues and to do alot of "home work" alone where your testing yourself. It can take a long time, but its safe to say that alot of the effort and thinking comes from you. Really think about things, really concerntrate on whats going on here as if you leave it too late, my worry is the mental health help will come and go in a flash and you wont have been able to change anything as you were too caught up in the food fears which are actually a mask for something much stronger and deeper. The sooner you realise that, the sooner you can try getting your head around the food issues and thinking about whats really wrong and then working on the real stuff.
Thankyou but there's one thing stopping me being able to do so. I got my nutrition counting right now I thibk more or less and I was finally not worried about calories anymore cos it's quite easy to track em.
Them I remembered it's not just whatever calories it says on the packet per so many grams or per pancake for example.
It's how many are from fat, protein amd carbs too and that's where I can't do it and I get panicky.
I know there's 1 calorie per gram of carbs, same for protein and 9calories per gram of fat! If things are like 1g fat amd protein fine...easy enough and probably not even worth counting but when things are like 26 or 40 odd carbs and so much far my head can't take it.
Same goes for counting carbs.

I've also been burning off way way less on my exercise than I had estimated, altho just sitting there burns at least 1000cals a day doesn't it and I walk round n do housework.
Hardly sat down yesterday at all.

I need a site please that will allow me to have my own simple easy to use food diary where I can input my own foods and nutritinal content and it saves it...one where it will work out not only how much I got left based on an average daily amount of things, but mainly I want it to convert things.
So I input how much fat and cals, carbs and protein etc is in something and it works out how msny total cals by calculating the protein, fat amd carb cals too and shows in total finally what I've truly consumed.
The closest thing I coukd find is calorecounter.com which is good but it doesn't work our your hidden cals and rather asks you to input it so tgats a waste for me.
I need a uk one or at least one that's uk friendly and accepts uk brands and shops etc. But as long as it can show me what I've had total and work out my hidden cals I'm happy. Pls help find one. I can't look anymore. Thankyou.
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