Sport I an alway hungry! What can I do to stop myself being so hungry?

Sport Fitness
I am 23 years old and aI work out 5-6 days a week. I am always hungry! My diet is pretty good overall, there are lots of fruit and veggies and just started adding protein powder to my diet (PT told me to).

I am 155cm and 57ish kg, was 54kg but it is obvious that it is muscle I've put on. I eat so much more than my husband - I am a fast eater too.

Any ideas of how to cure hunger pains? Thanks
Keep eating. Little and often and healthy. Smart snacks not junk and good sized portions not a buffet at every sitting.
Sounds like you have a super fast metabolism thats burning up your food real quick for you or making you hungry.
If its not that maybe you have to look closer at what you are eating and drinking. You say its healthy but what really is it as I have spoken to people who think things are healthy and in fact they are not.
my biology teach told me that the trigger for water/food is the same so make sure your not just in need of water when you eat. for some reason our body cant tell the difference:newbie:
my biology teach told me that the trigger for water/food is the same so make sure your not just in need of water when you eat. for some reason our body cant tell the difference:newbie:

Since, as a people, we are typically well fed and well hydrated these days, our bodies can only tell it lacks something. The hunger and thirst mechanism are so underutilized we no longer recognize a difference.

Water is the best way to shut down hunger. Or crystal meth. Both will do the job. I opt for water though.
Since, as a people, we are typically well fed and well hydrated these days, our bodies can only tell it lacks something. The hunger and thirst mechanism are so underutilized we no longer recognize a difference.

Water is the best way to shut down hunger. Or crystal meth. Both will do the job. I opt for water though.

Talk about throwin a twist into the topic... I am now inspired to never use meth !
I drink alot of water but not during meals as much so I will try drinking more while eating. I definately do not want sunken cheeks as well as everything else that would come with meth lol
I drink alot of water but not during meals as much so I will try drinking more while eating. I definately do not want sunken cheeks as well as everything else that would come with meth lol

Given your recent history, your body really just needs to adjust to the changes. As InnerFight said, try eating smaller meals and more frequently. More water might help also. Keep in mind that protein and fat is usually more satieting, so you can try adding some more of foods. I would nix the protein powder and make it food. Keep your veggies to fibrous ones (broccoli, spinach, etc.).
Taking the protein powder because I've done a food diary for my PT and he picked up I am not eating enough protein so I have added it into brekkie only.

Wish I could eat smaller meals during the day but the job I work it I can't do that
Good call. Does that help?

What is your total diet like, do you have it posted anywhere?

No I don't have it posted anywhere but I think it's pretty alright. Will have to get around to posting it