I am TERRIBLE at running


New member
AI can run for two minutes, tops, and that's at walking speed. People much, much heavier have beat me at races. I don't think it's really my weight, because I remember being in Elementary school(At a healthy weight) and being slow. I want to incorporate it into my weight loss, but it's also just plain embarrassing being THIS slow.
First bit of advice... 1) Never tell yourself "I'm terrible at..." - this sets up a condition in your subconscious mind that will keep you stuck there. If what you want to be is a better runner try this instead... "everyday in everyway I'm becoming a better runner". OR try saying that over and over as you go running. Soon you're subconscious mind will pick up on this "command" and start to emulate it.

Remember a happier healthier you - always starts in your mind first. Visualize what you TRULY WANT to happen/become/how to feel/etc... and tell yourself that YOU ARE BECOMING that - do this enough again and again - and you'll win everytime.


Steve - aka Mr. FITnosis
AThat makes sense... When I run, all I think is, "wow, I SUCK at this!" I'll try it, thank you. :3
If you enjoy running, I would keep it up. Don't worry about speed so much. The great thing about running is that you can have different goals than just being fast or coming in first. Some people have a goal of just finishing a race. Some people are there to just beat their last time.

The other thing is running everyday is not what will necessarily make you faster. You need to do speed drills in addition to your normal runs. People will always be faster. There are some real beast out there!! Remember, it is about you becoming a healthier you. I saw this t-shirt that says "You may be slow, but you are lapping everyone on the couch!"

One thing that is nice about running is that you can schedule races (5K,10K, etc) every 3 months or so and that will give you the incentive to keep up your running and losing/maintaining your weight. There will always be "walkers" at these races, so you can be faster than them!! The other thing is while you are getting/staying fit, you will also be donating to a worthy charity!!

I wish you much success!!