I am so PI##ed with myself..

I am so pi33ed with myself today.. would have been four months the 8th of this month.. HAD a huge bad day today.. One of the worst.. and i had a smoke today.. Only had one.. But still so upset with myself.. I was so scared that that smoke was going to make me dizzy and sick.. but it was soooo good.. Why did I do that.. F*&K... Well can only hope I won't have anymore..
what's done is done - move on :) and don't beat yourself up over it... nr use it as a reason to throw away the entire day...
You did really well do keep it up as long as you did! Now if you ever get tempted again you can think back to how bad you felt after that one cigarette. Dont worry too much, we all have set backs but what matters is getting over them.
Good luck and dont give up!
Mal said it best. Move on....forget it and MOVE ON.

I used to get down when I cheated and just said "f it...I am going to go all out then AND start tomm...."

Don't do it. Keep going FORWARD. I had some food I should NOT have ate yesterday for St. Patty's day but this morning I kept on with my diet and feel very good still.
Greatness is not proven by your actions while you are up. Rather, greatness is created by how you handle yourself while you are down.