Sport I am slowly getting out of shape :(

Sport Fitness
I have been on holiday for a week at the start of july and since getting back from then I have never really got back into the swing of going to the gym.

Not physically, but inside me, I can feel myself slowly getting out of shape.

My diet has just evaporated and I really need some organisation.

I used to goto the gym 3 times a week, but now I only go once a week.

I used to eat oily fish every day, now I don't.

I used to have 6 meals a day, now it is more like 4.

One reason for my slacking is because I have gotten fed up of the food I have been eating, (the same breakfast every day etc)

What does everyone eat for breakfast on here for a bulking diet?
I used to eat mackeral fillets every morning but I just cannot eat them any more.
i feel your pain. i'm having the same problem! im getting tired of my oats w/ whey in the morning too.
I know what you mean... it does get hard eating the same stuff every single week...

But I just tell myself "This is what I gotta do to get to where I wanna be..."

Also treat yourself every now and then, or mix it up a bit if you're gettin real tired of your current diet.
I understand your dilemma, but your gonna have to "want" your goal more than being bored with your diet...."Bottom Line". If there are weaknesses that develop, you HAVE TO develop a course of action to combat those weaknesses in order to continue. A problem is never a, if you know how to deal with yourself---the right way, and rock through weaknesses, by having a plan in place to deal with weaknesses and cross-over the strengths to those weaknesses, and have this work for you. According to your post, it is your Mental game that is letting you down.......not your body, its just waiting for the correct stimulous from the brain muscle.

NOW rock yourself slowly back into SHAPE!..............ROCK THE HECK ON!

Best regards,

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One of the BIGGEST part of success, is MOTIVATION, and being mentally prepared for certain mentally anticipated negatives (and knowing how, why, and when to handle them).........Your all good! GO FOR IT! Its waiting for you.......its just around the corner, smiling eagerly for your appearance! now go after it, and smack that smile off its face........LOL.

Need a little encouragement to motivate you into dieting these days?

You've tried everything, but nothing seems to get you motivated strongly enough to start your diet! When even a pin to 'la uno buttock' isn't enough to get you to your feet and running to The Old Diet Trail, then perhaps it's time for something a bit stiffer.

Yes, it's time to pull your finger with Diet Chat! This little tug on the finger will literally lift you up into the realm of Diet Sanity - to a noble place where you can take wings and fly towards your weight loss dreams.

Let us begin our Diet Chat with the controversial picture above. It is called, "Adam's Apple" for that is where it all began - this tussle between Man & Food Foraging. Yes, food is the Apple of Our Eye and we all know that an apple a day will keep the bedbugs away. Wait. That's not right. Hum....the...the old doctor away. Yes, that's correct.

Well, enough about the controversial apple. Let's take a good look at the end of Adam's finger. Something is emitting a charge from his index-fingernail. Could it be magic?

While we ponder that deep core thought, let's observe the finger that Adam's finger is touching. It represents 'Adam's Diet'. As we can see, the light (or the magic) is connecting the fingers - Human Finger TO Diet Finger.

Like all of humankind, Adam was born with a free spirit. He has a free will. If he so chooses, then he may withdraw his Human Finger away from his Diet Finger any time that he so chooses.

As you can also see, Adam is quite the Couch Potato. He is laying down on the Diet Job, so to speak. Adam WANTS to lose weight, but he does NOT want to diet! But unless he diets, sad but so, he will not lose the bulges from his thighs. Other than that, Adam looks pretty good, doesn't he?

BUT, if he continues to be a Couch Potato, that could quickly change! Those rippled abs will end up being transferred to the back of Adam's neck. Yes, it could get sad fast.

With all that being said, here is our motivational Diet Chat Moment:

"If you are wanting to lose weight, all you need to do is to reach out and touch your Diet Finger because the magic isn't in diet products, or diet machinery, or diet foods. The magic is within you. And whenever you CHOOSE to withdraw from a healthy diet, the magic ceases and bad things can happen. So get moving, get your diet in gear and good things will come to you!"

(Written by Someone else)

ROCK ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Only Reason That Your Last Diet Failed
There's only 1 reason that your last diet failed. What could that be? Was it a bad diet plan? No plan? Too much exercise? Boring Diet? Too few calories? No treats? No support? Too expensive? Little motivation? Holiday time? No energy? Too much stress? Sudden binge? Just wasn't working? Took too long to lose weight? Too gassy? Tired of dieting?

Nope. Wasn't any of the above. So....what could it be? Why did your last diet really fail?

Though the answer may appear quite simple, it's not! It's actually quite complex!

The Simple Answer That's REALLY Quite Complex:

The ONLY reason that your last diet failed was because you wanted to eat MORE than you wanted to lose weight.

Explaining Complexity - Extracting the Simple Truth:

Although it's not easy to accept, it's true. The ONLY reason that a diet fails is simply because a person chooses to return to their former dieting habits rather than continue on the crooked, healthier path. It's much easier following the straight and narrow where very little rules come into play.

HOWEVER, as stated above, the SIMPLE TRUTH is actually QUITE COMPLEX!! Why? Because ALL of the reasons above may have contributed in creating 'that magic moment' that.....Operation Diet Failure Moment!

Dieting is a bit like a House of Cards. Slowly, you stack one card on top of the other, carefully balancing the house. In the beginning, what you have before you doesn't look like anything more than a few cards slapped together. But slowly, the house goes up and is quite magnificent!

Sometimes, when we are building our House of Cards, we almost reach the top and we lose our coordination and yes - our house falls to the ground. What caused the fall was SIMPLY due to our last uncoordinated move.

HOWEVER, more than likely, some of our previously constructed 'walls' may not have been secure or strong enough. They may have been slightly misplaced. Therefore, the crash took a simple miscalculation, and the house was history due to not only that last unsteady move, but also because of an unsteady foundation which contained 'faults'.

So even though our Diet Failure came down to not wanting to lose weight MORE than we wanted that goody, it can also be attributed to so many other factors. It's so important to have a Diet Plan in place, and support, and variety, and to incorporate tasty foods, and healthy foods, and treats, and the right amount of exercise, and to make it interesting and fun, and affordable, and to have patience and most importantly, to know that if we seriously want to lose weight, that we have to want to lose weight MORE than we want the goody that will send our diet in a tailspin.

Therefore, work towards learning and recognizing your Diet Faults and strengthen those areas. Remember, you want this diet to be your final diet! Tough it out and end Diet Days! You can do this!!!!!

PUSH FORWARD................GIRL!
Thanks a lot for your advice Chillen, I need a bit more organisation in my exercise/dieting.

I am going to start eating a different sort of breakfast.

And conjure up a new routine.

I have been doing the same routine for 8 weeks now and it is time for a change.

Organisation and planning is key!
REACH over and fillup the positive side of the equation and put the WANT back in the equation GIRL!............If you give in to the wrong type of negatives consistantly enough, it will bring you down........dont let this happen!

We all fall from time to time. There is no hope when one gives up except hopelessness. If you fall 10 times, get up the 11th time......dont ever, ever, give up........dont give up on yourself,,,,,,,,you WILL get a LIKE reward in this investment.

The feeling you feel right now can be flipped to the other side and you can feel this same way----but in a positive way....

I feel as a board member that my job is not to pity you, but understand your situation, and then work in providing a stimulant for you to assist you in finding your own answer. Pity has its virtue to a point, but it can be a poison and cause the roots to rot.

ROCK ON GIRL.........we are with you!
I know I sort of over did it.......But I really do want you to PICK UP and make yourself be want you want to be. I KNOW its hard.......I have been down this road.........But you have to be harder than the path taken.........

My apologies......for my over zealousness.........

Youve made me see the light, whether I like going or not, I must go, because I will regret it if i don't.

I also have in my mind that I want to make ex girlfriends / girls that have turned me down really jealous!!!!!
oops. I need to tell on myself, I thought you were female! lol

Bang head on table and comes up for air........

Not that it makes a difference........but.....I could be observant.......

What, sig?........Oh.....
