I am SICK of my diet not working!

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All I have eaten for the past three weeks is fruit, vegetables, chicken, fish, soup, and a few cheats. My only cheats were: one trip to chik fil a, taco bell (but the diet fresco tacos), chinese food(but just steak, steamed vegetables, and rice), and ruby tuesdays (just a steak, steamed brocoli, and mashed potatoes.) And I have GAINED 6 lbs. From 154 to 160. Why? I don't exercise, but I don't have the time. And I can't imagine why I haven't lost anything, let alone gained weight. This is really disheartening, and I don't have time to wonder what is wrong, so I ask, someone write out for me what to eat. Like a week of organized eating, please. ex: Monday breakfast: one egg, fresh fruit, etc... ya know? I just can't seem to do this on my own.
Are you keeping track of your calories? You seem to be eating healthy things (which is good), but you can be eating too much calories and gaining weight.

Be careful around things like bread and rice, as those carry a TON of calories, and lean towards more fruit and vegetables as those have the least. Minimize your cheats as much as you can because even a single fatty meal can ruin 1-2 days of dieting.

Nevertheless, gaining 6 pounds in 3 weeks is very drastic. I don't know how long you have been dieting, but perhaps you have reached a plateau of some sort. Have you been SEVERELY cutting down your calories for the past few weeks (before the 3 weeks) and have just recently experienced weight gain? If you have, then your body is probably in survival mode at the moment and will not lose anymore weight.

Good luck! Don't stress out too much. Stress can lead your body to gain more weight ;)
I agree with JayCanDoIt - you should probably start weighing your food and tracking your calories. You'd be surprised how many calories sneak in if your portions are too large. It'd be more helpful if you wrote down every single thing you ate for three days and posted it here. We'd have a better idea of what your diet is like. Also, obviously I don't know what your eating habits were before, but when people shift to eating healthy sometimes they get a little bloated from it. That should pass, though. But seriously, consider starting a food journal and recording every single thing you eat.
I agree with the above posts, but there are many other factors to include when designing a nutrition plan. I would suggest your consult a nutritionist as they are the only ones licensed to do that sort of thing. Also, what type of exercise are you doing? Muscle weighs more than fat, but remember for each pound of muscle you gain, it will aid in burning around 50 more calories/day. Remember to keep in mind you weight can fluctuate (water weight and waste) so dont get too hard on yourself. Your on the right track, keep eating clean and get some professional advice. Dont forget to get in some exercise because it will only help :D

Keep motivated, your headed in the right direction!
Hey man

Nice to meet you.

As the others have commented you are probably eating too many overall calories.

It doesn't matter if your eating fruits, veg etc if you eat more calories than your body needs you will put on weight.

Keep me posted.

Maybe it's water weight. 6 lbs in 3 weeks seems impossible for the food you've been eating. But restaurant food has tons of sodium that can make you retain water and it's very easy to gain 6 lbs in water weight. Try drinking a lot of water, so your body can let go of that water weight and avoid restaurants as much as you can.
I totally know how you feel, I am starting think I am going to weigh between 220 and 225 forever. Doesn't seem to be anything I can do to change it.

Over the past year, I have starved myself (less than 800 cals a day) for 2 months or so, lost 4lbs. then fell off the wagon and ate at buffets constantly with friends and guess what, i gained nothing from that, stayed right at 225. The last six months, I got a personal trainer and have developed quit a bit of muscle and now weigh 238lbs with quite a bit of muscle on my upper body, and the same fat gut hanging beneath it. I am just done with it. This belly is mine for life it seems and I am just going to be happy with it I reckon.
How are you preparing your foods? Are they baked, steamed or boiled? You might not be eating enough calories. If you're starving yourself, your body will burn fewer calories because it doesn't know when it's going to get it's next meal. You could also be at a plateau. Try ramping up the cardio and give it a little time. Just don't give up on yourself.
Ok, I'm pretty sure I figured out why I'm gaining weight. Over the past year I walked my neighbors dog, and my own. Then my neighbor moved and I had to get rid of my dog, so I think that's what it was. I guess I just didn't think my 20 minute walks were enough to do it. But heck, maybe lugging around my 60lb pit bull and the neighbor's 100lb one was enough to keep me in shape and when I stopped I got fat. I started walking again though I don't feel as safe without my dog, and I lost 5 lbs the first week, then none the next. So I don't know! I'm just going to try the best I can without hurting myself and maybe I can become more active when I move to the beach after college. :/
Hi Bee716,

Sorry to hear you are so frustrated, it's soooo annoying when you think you are doing the right thing by your body and it doesn't react!!!

Although you are eating all the healthy, good foods you may need smaller portions.....why not try a smaller plate and therefore a smaller portion.

Also if you had 20 minutes each day to walk the dog could you spend that time doing some sort of exercise at home......rent or buy a workout DVD or skip or jog or something to get your body energised and all those good endorphins flowing through your mind and body! Orfind a friend you go for a walk with once a day (a human friend not a canine! :))

Anyway hope you get some inspiration form some of your replies!

Good luck

Warm regards,

Hello Bee716,

Don't get frustrated; its true that you are going for right food, but you can still make some changes in your routine. You should have a glass of warm water early morning. You can even opt for other physical activities like dancing, yoga, swimming etc if you have shortage of time.

All the best and have good luck.

I completely understand what you are going through, it's exactly what I'm experiencing right now. All I can say is don't be discouraged and focus on positive aspects in your life. Maybe you should get a new dog and that will motivate you to be more active. I try to challenge myself a bit everyday, I try walking instead of driving when I can, or taking the stairs instead of the elevator. I think small things like that add up and matter.

good luck!
It sounds like you didnt have many carbohydrates for a few days then had potatoes. that may cause an increase if you have had no other carbohydrates.

I just wanted to edit to say the pill pusher that was above me was erased. it was spam and now gone. it was not directed at RIsa.

This is a late reply to your thread, but, maybe what I share here can help you if you are still struggling with weight gain.

Here is my background, just so you know that I once struggled with the same issues (eating what I thought was healthy food and going to the gym everyday, and I kept gaining weight).

Then, I changed something...the FOOD I was eating. It was the food I was eating that was keeping me from losing weight.

Here is how it plays out....10% of your weight loss effort is the result of exercise, 80% of your weight loss effort is the result of "food you eat" and 10% of your weight loss efforts are from genetics.

I stopped eating meat (that includes fish, chicken, turkey, pork and red meat), dairy, anything white (bread, rice, sugar, flour, etc.) and no liquid except WATER!!!

I started eating GOMBS. Let me explain....G = Greens, O = Onions, M = Mushrooms, B = Beans/Berries, S = Seeds. This is what your body actually craves. When you are hungry, your body is craving NUTRIENTS and when you eat a donut, your body is still craving the NUTRIENTS.

I also started to eat more food (GOMBS) more often. Every 3 to 3.5 hours I eat some GOMBS. Never starve yourself. I know it is easy to think that if you do not eat, that you will lose weight, this is a myth. When you starve yourself, your body starts to become acidic and it stores fat, thinking it will not get food for awhile. Then when you do finally eat, the insulin spike causes you to become even more acidic, causing fat to be stored in the belly.

Your body cannot determine whether it is hungry or thirsty. So, when I feel hungry I will drink a 10oz. glass of water and see if I feel satisfied. Sometimes this is all my body needed, some water. Water is critical and we do not drink enough. A person should drink 64 - 96oz. of water each day. Every 20 minutes, drink 2oz. In this way you will not find yourself running to the bathroom every couple of minutes. Sip, sip, sip.

Once I changed what and when I eat, my body began to transform. The body fat just burned off, effortlessly.

Also, I make sure I do some resistance training to build muscle. You will not be able to raise your metabolism without building some muscle. I am not talking about gaining HUGE muscles, but, I am talking about beginning to build some muscle in order to raise your metabolism. Even when you are resting, your body will be burning calories to maintain this muscle. Gain some muscle.

Do not count calories or track body weight. You need to track body fat instead. And if you are eating the GOMBS, then you will not need to count CARBS (fruits), PROTEINS (beans) and FATS (nuts). As you build some muscle the total body weight might increase, but, that is ok, you will be losing the body fat.

Every meal should include a carb, protein and fat. A portion is the palm of your hand, it is simple, you always have your hand with you right?

Remember, eat the food that is closest to the way you find it in nature as possible. For example, eat apples (with the skin) instead of applesauce or apple juice. Do you know that to make apple juice they remove the skin? This is the most powerful part of the apple! If you can eat raw veggies, do it!! Broccoli, bok choy, cauliflower, leeks, brussel sprouts, etc. Eat them raw and you will get all the nutrients.

4 years ago, I was 35 lbs. heavier than I am today. I was not grossly overweight, but, I was carrying a lot of belly fat. It was depressing. Now, I have more lean muscle and my body fat is in the single digits. I have energy like when I was a teenager and I am 52 years old, truly. I am not telling you this to boast, instead I am telling you this so that you can hear how I transformed my health. I go to the beach and take off my shirt with no reservation. It feels great!

You say you eat good, but, I will disagree. You eat beef, just stop eating beef and you will lose body fat and save your life.

The fact is....heart disease, obesity, diabetes and most cancers are able to be prevented....just change a few things and you can improve your quality of life dramatically.

I hope you try a couple of the things that I have posted here. I know if you do, that you will see a dramatic difference in your overall health.
craigworrell's plan will work...but I'm not about to give up eating meat, sorry Craig...I'm an OMNIVORE and that means I eat everything...tracking body fat is a good idea, but I would also track your calories...it's really the only way to know how much food energy you are putting into your body. I'm not a big fan of weighing in everyday, but I do weigh myself weekly just to make sure I am heading in the right direction. I tell more by how my clothing is fitting me...

The Vegan approach is proven to work, but it's not for everyone. And to suggest that eating meat is killing you...

You say you eat good, but, I will disagree. You eat beef, just stop eating beef and you will lose body fat and save your life.

I would say that is an extreme statement...if it fits your personal beliefs, then have at it...but meat is not killing you...moderation is the key to everything, and that is where the calorie counting comes into play. You want to make the calories that you ingest to count...so you avoid the junk food and processed foods as much as possible, but we're human and will stumble from time to time...as Craig stated, you want to include Fat, Carbs & Protein in every meal...I aim for a mix of: 30%Fat, 30%Protein, 40%Carbs...

My weight loss plan/theory is to use the tools on this site...RDI calculator (recommended daily intake of calories) to find your suggested caloric intake for your goal weight, and try to stick to that or below...add in some regular exercise, going for a walk after dinner for 20-30mins is enough to make a difference...

Eat less, more often...Craig mentions this above, eat every 3-3.5hrs...I have a decent breakfast (toasted 12 grain bread, slice of deli ham, one large egg), a snack mid morning (one piece of fruit), lunch (400ml of soup, piece of fruit, 100ml of yogurt), mid afternoon snack (piece of fruit, 100ml of yogurt), then a sensible dinner (4-6oz of meat, 1-2 cups of rice/noodles/potatoes, 2 cups of veggies), then a snack about 2hrs before bed (this keeps my blood sugars steady over night)...eating more often keeps your hunger in check, and keeps your energy level more consistent.

I would recommend measuring your foods for the first week to see just how much you are actually eating, when I first started I thought I was watching my portions but in reality I was eating way too much at each meal time...another good practice is to plan every meal the day before...all meals & snacks for the whole day...takes the guess work out of it. Even if you are going out for dinner, go to the restaurants website and get the nutritional info and make your meal choice before even setting foot in the restaurant (won't work for everywhere, some don't have websites...but most do) Otherwise you are rolling the dice when you dine out...one bowl of pasta can have more than you need for the whole day...burger, fries & beverage...same deal...that's why I like to calorie count, you will at least know when you have over done it...

Anyway, I know this is an older thread so I may be talking to myself but I'm helping me too...this is working for me, I have lost 47lbs in the last year...and counting...

I understand your frustration! I've been down that road before. Before I started my weight loss journey, I was 180lbs and out of shape. I was eating crap and I was not working out....why? Because I CLAIMED that I didn't have the time either. And THAT was the problem.

What I did was sat down and analyzed what I was doing in the day to figure out how I can start eating better and how I can find at least 30 minutes to workout.

Here are the steps and changes that I made that helped me:

1) My first step was my mindset. I had to switch my mindset and tell myself that this HAS TO BE a lifestyle change....because I did not want to live the YO YO LIFESTYLE anymore (trying new fad diets....then STOPPING....trying this...then STOPPING. If I was going to make this switch, I had to be serious. It was not an option. Once you make this switch in your mind, everything else will fall into place. The mind is a powerful tool.

2) Once I made up my mind, I knew that I needed some kind of personal development to go along with it to keep me focused. You have to find what works for you. For me, it was Joel Osteen. Here is one example of what I've listened to that helped me a lot -- Say "NO" to your feelings.

3) Now that you have your mindset in the right place and you will start plugging into personal development, you now have to create a PLAN of ACTION. You can't get to your destination if you don't have the directions right? I started with my frig and cabinets. I got rid of ALL the junk and processed foods and replaced them with more fruits, veggies, lean proteins (mainly fish and chicken) and GOOD carbs..not starchy ones. Good carbs such as sweet potatoes, brown rice, oatmeal, ezekiel breads. Do not eat the stachy carbs like white rice, potatoes, pasta, white bread. You want to stay away from all the white foods. They spike your insulin and that makes it difficult to lose weight.

4) Next, you need to find out how many calories you are allowed to eat per day and how many calories you should be burning per day (intake and out take of calories) in order to lose weight. There is a formula for it.

5) You MUST MUST MUST incorporate physical activity. Diet and Nutrition is only 1 part of the formula. The other part is exercise. If you want great results, you MUST do both. It's just not an option. Plus, working out is good for blood flow, your muscles, your heart and other organs. It's the fountain of youth! Start by finding 30 minutes in your day. I'm sure there are things that you do in your life right now that you can do without. Instead of watching TV for 30 minutes, go for a walk or a jog. Wake up 30 minutes earlier or go to bed 30 minutes later than you would normally do. Don't make excuses why you can't find just 30 minutes a day to transform your lifestyle. Find a way to FIT IT IN! Period.

6) Find yourself an accountability partner. This one is HUGE. I can't stress this part enough. An accountability partner can be someone you know, or finding an online buddy with the same goals as you that want to join forces and hold hands to do this lifestyle change together.

Hope this post was valuable to you (and others reading).


I'm brand new here, just signed up.

I'm a true yo yo'er....up 1 week, down the next. I'm very active, play a ton of squash even though I have 10 extra lbs of weight

I'm carrying. It's so frustrating as with all the working out, my weight doesn't budge. It's all about the FOOD !! You can try burning all the calories you

want by exercising but if you're not making the adjustments to your diet, forget it. The pounds won't budge.

If you want to kick start your weight loss, this really does work. I've tried it and use the suggestions in this video regularly.

check it out at www.TrimFatProgram.com


Burn Belly Fat in 7 Days

Has anyone heard about satiereal saffron extract? Dr Oz says it is a miracle appetite suppressant on a recent show of his. I am giving it a try, and it seems to actually help me lose weight. I found some good information about saffron extract over at http://saffronextractreviews.com

What do you guys think? Is it for real or do you think my weight loss is due to psychological effects? The research seems legit.
Originally Posted by Bee716

Ok, I'm pretty sure I figured out why I'm gaining weight. Over the past year I walked my neighbors dog, and my own. Then my neighbor moved and I had to get rid of my dog, so I think that's what it was. I guess I just didn't think my 20 minute walks were enough to do it. But heck, maybe lugging around my 60lb pit bull and the neighbor's 100lb one was enough to keep me in shape and when I stopped I got fat. I started walking again though I don't feel as safe without my dog, and I lost 5 lbs the first week, then none the next. So I don't know! I'm just going to try the best I can without hurting myself and maybe I can become more active when I move to the beach after college. :/

Glad you figured it out! According to people that have lost weight, walking is the best exercise for weight loss. Most people make the mistake of thinking about exercise in terms of the calories they burn while doing it. But the real benefit is the muscle you build. One pound of body fat burns 3 calories in a day. A pound of muscle burns 70 calories a day. So when you walk you replace body fat with calorie gobbling muscle, your metabolism revs up and you can eat NORMAL real food and never need to DIET!

Be careful tho, there are lots of exercises that increase appetite and are counterproductive for weight loss. More about the best exercises for weight loss here...

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