Thanks for letting me know that about Tierra...
Speaking from personal experience I would say that walking is the best first step - and the beauty of it is that it costs nothing to start and you can do it as much as you like.
As far as gyms go - in my opinion it is a bit of a marmite idea... Some people love them and some people hate them... If you love them - then you will probably say they are well worth the money. If you hate them - they arent...
I joined loads of gyms over the "fat years" and basically wasted a small fortune on fees... Apathy is their biggest ally... Generally they offer a free visit where they show you round and put the "sell" on you... They get you to sign up and fill in a direct debit... Loads of people do what I did and turn up for up to a month - maybe 3 times a week... Basically they always pointed me at the treadmill and the exercise bike and told me to do that... Maybe go for a swim afterwards if I fancied... You get sick of going (maybe the new year resolution is fading into the past or you have stopped envisaging a major change)... Once you miss a week it is all to easy to miss the next and get so you do not really want to go back... Generally you find that you are still paying out the direct debit a year later...
I paid a lot of money to three different gyms over the 10 years before my project and stayed as fat as ever...
I got motivated and didnt join a gym over the two years where I dropped the 12 stone... Walking was my single biggest form of exercise over that period... I just went out for a walk...
As I got thinner I introduced other forms of exercise and took various fitness classes at my local adult education centre...
Exercises are available on the internet so you can exercise different muscle groups at home without any expense if the cost is a major issue for you...
Try our sister site
Personal trainers can help - if they encourage you to exercise - but (aside from a level of knowledge) the big thing that they bring to the party is that it is paying someone to help motivate you... The fact that you are meeting them forces you to go to the gym. If you can once harness the motivation you can become unstoppable and do not need such things... Money should not be necessary for you to make your weight loss dreams come true.
Having said all that - I will admit that I am a member of a gym now.
In the years after losing weight - I have become addicted to certain forms of dance - and I now do a lot of zumba connected to this... I actually do about 5 or 6 hours of zumba a week and am a member of a gym because they employ my favourite zumba instructor to give three sessions a week which I want to take... I pay less money for my gym membership than it would cost to pay for these sessions individually so I get very good value for money... I will admit that the gym offers a number of other classes and fully equipped gym facilities which I never use... I pay for other zumba sessions with my favourite instructors and also do salsa / latin dancing until late most nights of the week together with daytime dance lessons... I am selective over how I spend my exercise hours and never use their facilities...
For any of us - the best form of exercise is something that they will do - if possible because they like it (as oppose to something that they feel they ought to do because it is good for them but they do not enjoy it).
Try anything that makes you move more that you have not tried before - and maybe you will find something that you enjoy. If you want to do it that is half the battle... Maybe (like me) you will find that there the soul of a dancer hiding under the excess pounds... (LOL who could have guessed at 21 stone!!!)
As for food - initially try eating clean... Check out sections on nutrition...
A good start is to try to structure your food with the following basics:
- drink 1 ounce water for every 2 pounds that you weigh
- 5 a day fruit / veg
- lean protein
- opt for low fat alternatives for things like milk, yoghurt, spread
- use fry light for frying
Having said that - some people swear by numerous different eating patterns - and people will go around telling you to try a number of things like eat 10 small meals a day or 1 big meal at a specific time... None of that matters - it is total calories that count... If you are eating healthy foods you are giving your body good fuel - and if you are being active you are burning calories...
If you do not lose weight - then the issue will be that you are eating too much so this is resolved by
a/ being stricter with portion size so you get used to what healthy shaped people consider to be appropriate
b/ counting calories and letting that determine what you can eat by aiming to hit less than a magic number
c/ exercising more to burn more calories.