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Which Foods Have Probiotics?
Before we tell you which foods have probiotics, we must define the term “probiotics”. It refers to all beneficial forms of gut bacteria that stimulate the natural processes of your digestive organs. These bacterias are necessary to protect the body and that’s why you have to keep them healthy as well. There two possible ways to do so – either consume probiotic foods or take supplements.

Most of us are well aware of the benefits that probiotics have, but what we don’t know is how to take advantage of that. That’s why we’ve decided to create a detailed list of probiotic-rich foods that will improve your health significantly.

The Importance of Fermentation
The easiest way to consume probiotics is by eating fermented food due to the fact that the fermentation process converts the natural sugars and carbohydrates to lactic acid. The breaking down of sugars preserves the product for longer and produces Omega-3 fatty acids, b-vitamins, probiotics and other beneficial enzymes that your body requires to function properly.

Probiotic Foods


One of the richest probiotic foods is the yoghurt and especially the one made at home. Search for brands that have added extra probiotics such as the Lactobacillus bulgaricus or acidophilus.

The goat milk is also quite popular due to the fact that it’s rich in minerals, vitamins and proteins. The yoghurt made of goat milk has high amounts of probiotics such as bulgaricus, bifudus and thermophillus.

Note that some yoghurts are considered fake due to the high amounts of artificial sweeteners, flavours and high fructose syrups. That’s why you must carefully read the labels of each product before choosing the right one for you


This is a combination of goat’s milk and fermented kefir grain, which results in a fantastic dairy product rich in probiotics. Moreover, it also has high amounts of antioxidants, Bifidus bacteria and lactobacilli.

How to consume it:

  1. Add to smoothies.
  2. Add to oatmeal.
  3. Drink it.


Have you ever wondered what does fermentation do to the cabbage? It turns it into sauerkraut, which is extremely rich in vitamins A, B, C & K. Moreover, it helps individuals reduce their allergy symptoms.

Note that, only raw sauerkrauts or brands with added probiotics will have the beneficial bacteria that will improve your health. Of course, you can still make your own one in a mason jar with added salt brine

How to consume it:

  1. Suitable for salads.
  2. Add to soups or serve with burgers and fries.
  3. Perfect side dish to most meals..

Dark Chocolate

Chocolate serves as a carrier to probiotics as it doesn’t have them itself. It helps them survive the high levels of pH in the digestive tract. That’s why they can be added to create a high-quality dark chocolate with added health benefits.


Similar to the sauerkraut, the kimchi is a spicy and fermented cabbage, particularly popular in Korea. It’s loaded with vitamin A, B, C, iron, beta-carotene, calcium, dietary fibre and potassium. It’s a great probiotic food, especially if you enjoy spicy foods.

How to consume it:

  1. Can be added into soups
  2. Perfect sauce for burgers & tacos
  3. Suitable side dish to most meals.

Miso Soup

Miso is a traditional Japanese dish used in their medicine, which serves as a digestive regulator. It is made of fermented beans, rice or rye.

Add water and you’ll have yourself a quick and wonderful lunch rich in probiotics, Lactobacillus and Bifidus bacterias.

According to the Japanese beliefs, the miso soup helps the neutralisation of the effects caused by environmental pollution and prevents the creation of carcinogens in the body.

How to consume:

  1. As a soup
  2. Suitable for salad dressings and marinades.


Made from fermented soybeans, tempeh is a probiotic-rich grain preferred by vegetarians as a substitute for meat and tofu. It also contains high amounts of vitamins and very little salt, if cooked properly.

How to consume it:

  1. As a substitute of meat or tofu.
  2. Can be added to miso.
  3. Topped with soy sauce.
  4. Added in sandwiches or salads.

Kombucha Tea

This is a sort of a fermented tea that contains high amounts of gut bacteria. This probiotic-rich drink has been used for centuries and it is said that it promotes weight loss and boosts your energy.

How to consume it:

  1. As a drink.
  2. Added in a smoothie.
  3. Mixed with fruit juice or water.


Yet another food that’s been around for decades has proven to be especially rich in probiotics. The term “pickle” often refers to pickled cucumbers, but what many don’t know, is that every vegetable can be pickled. It seems that the process is what adds the health benefits, thus making all pickled vegetables with added health benefits.

How to consume them:

  1. Add them to your salad
  2. Add to a soup
  3. Eat as a snack
  4. Serve with meat or vegetables


We have added another popular Japanese dish rich in probiotics, which is made of fermented soybeans. Not only that it has the beneficial bacteria, but also it contains vitamins and the enzyme nattokinase, which is known to support the heart functions.

How to consume it:

  1. Add to salads
  2. Apply on wraps
  3. Add to curries

Back in the days, all fermented foods were initially homemade. The food made at home is the healthiest and most fermented veggies can be made at home with salt brine and a mason jar.

Moreover, there are literally thousands of recipes on the internet that will help you make your own fermented foods. Once you learn how to do it, you can even add your own spices and herbs for added effects.

If you are not fond of these foods, then you might want to try taking some supplements to improve your digestive health. However, do your own research before choosing the right product for you. In fact, we recommend the consultation of a professional, who will give you the most correct advise on prebiotic and probiotic supplements.