I am a Newbie to Weight Loss Forum!

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New member
Hey there!

I am a new member , I am looking for great tips and exercise/diet plans that work and that I can stick with! Also looking for support and encouragement (because we all know how hard it is to lose weight and keep it off!) I have struggled with my weight since I can remember, I have slimmed down a few times to 115 lbs. which was great, but I have trouble keeping the weight off! I am an emotional eater (thanks to the training I received from my mom hehe), so when I get stressed or depressed, even bored that's the first thing I turn to. Since returning to school this september I have gained approx. 20 lbs. Very dissappointing for me. My boyfriend of 4 years doesn't always help however, he can be somewhat hurtful at times. He has never been overweight therefore it is hard for him to understand what we all go through. He absolutely hates "FAT" people. I feel the pressure everyday to be thinner, don't get me wrong I want to be healthier, have more energy, and feel better about myself, but with all the comments from him it's hard to get motivated. Anyway hopefully I will be able to get some great tips and find a rountine that works for me!!
Girlfriend, I totally know where you are coming from. I was just doing the math today and found that I too had gained 20 lbs since I started college last year. I also know what it's like to have a boyfriend who hates fat people. I'm assuming you won't get much positive support from him, but maybe he'll turn around.

I'm here for you if you need a friend. I need support too! In a big way. haha Welcome to the forum.

As for diet plans and tips, you'll get plenty here. I'm all over the map. Low carb one minute, fresh food the other, juicing sometimes.

Just take it a day at a time. small steps.:D
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