ANd I am so angry at the nasty comments I have gotten. I am still very pretty and because I look so much younger for my age, men check me out and think that they can make comments because they do not know i am 50. I am angry and there is nothing i can do to magically lose this weight as menopause comes part and parcel with the menopause stomach if you atre a real woman. I am not a masculine gym bunny. I do not want to look wrinkled and withered. I am glad i look like i am 38 and not 50. I am not going to force a diet on myself that is unhealthy. I have begun to walk more and I am eating a bit less and I am angry that i am doing this because I never thought i was too fat. Those assh)les are the ones who have made me think I need to lose weight. I Do not think so and if I still lived in the USA I would not even be considered fat. But since i am in Eastern Europe I am considered fat. Screw them-but it is really hard to hear someone say "diet" behind your back. "she's pretty but she needs a diet.," YEah well FU I would never date you or even notice you. I do not jhave money for a new wardrobe and my wardrobe consists of leggings which looked really good up until about six months ago. I have a butt that in LAtin AMerica is considered so hit but since Easrtern EUropeans suffer from flat butt syndrome they don't like butts here. I cannot weight to move back home i hate these people who never smile and they ahve really ugly facial featyures. I guess on the upside if i do lose a little weight i can be more active. I am like 160lbs and 5'6. But I was a dancer so I jave natural muscle and simply look curvy not obese. I just don't like the little comments and frankly I cannot beloive how RVUDE people can be. "oh she's pretty but DIET!" he screamed at me. CAn you believe that? who does that? I never made fun of heavy people because i am empathic . I just wonder am I the only one in the world who put on a little weight at 50 years old? Please offer a kind word I feel very upset about this and I am very self conscious and I am not THAT Big but this is giving me a complex.