I am a naturally thin person who gained weight this year due to menopause

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ANd I am so angry at the nasty comments I have gotten. I am still very pretty and because I look so much younger for my age, men check me out and think that they can make comments because they do not know i am 50. I am angry and there is nothing i can do to magically lose this weight as menopause comes part and parcel with the menopause stomach if you atre a real woman. I am not a masculine gym bunny. I do not want to look wrinkled and withered. I am glad i look like i am 38 and not 50. I am not going to force a diet on myself that is unhealthy. I have begun to walk more and I am eating a bit less and I am angry that i am doing this because I never thought i was too fat. Those assh)les are the ones who have made me think I need to lose weight. I Do not think so and if I still lived in the USA I would not even be considered fat. But since i am in Eastern Europe I am considered fat. Screw them-but it is really hard to hear someone say "diet" behind your back. "she's pretty but she needs a diet.," YEah well FU I would never date you or even notice you. I do not jhave money for a new wardrobe and my wardrobe consists of leggings which looked really good up until about six months ago. I have a butt that in LAtin AMerica is considered so hit but since Easrtern EUropeans suffer from flat butt syndrome they don't like butts here. I cannot weight to move back home i hate these people who never smile and they ahve really ugly facial featyures. I guess on the upside if i do lose a little weight i can be more active. I am like 160lbs and 5'6. But I was a dancer so I jave natural muscle and simply look curvy not obese. I just don't like the little comments and frankly I cannot beloive how RVUDE people can be. "oh she's pretty but DIET!" he screamed at me. CAn you believe that? who does that? I never made fun of heavy people because i am empathic . I just wonder am I the only one in the world who put on a little weight at 50 years old? Please offer a kind word I feel very upset about this and I am very self conscious and I am not THAT Big but this is giving me a complex.
While BMI is not a great measure, without knowing your body fat % BMI tells us the yes, you are overweight.

While hormonal changes do have an effect, hormonal changes alone don't necessarily cause menopause weight gain. Instead, the weight gain is usually related to aging, as well as lifestyle. Walking and reducing your calorie intake is a good start however you also need to chill a little, excess stress can lead to weight gain, stress increases cortisol, excess calories consumed in the setting of high cortisol appear to be preferentially deposited around the middle. studies have also shown that our bodies metabolize slower under stress.

If you begin a thread in the diary section to log you food and exercise, other members can help with ideas as to where you can make small changes to reach your goals.
If you do start a diary I'd suggest you stop insulting other people. So far you've been nasty to women who aren't naturally thin, women who don't have much of a butt, women who don't have pretty faces, athletic women, and women who look older than you. All while saying people shouldn't judge YOU. I understand that you're frustrated but lashing out at others isn't going to help. As a wise person once said:
KIndness is all that matters.
Walking and reducing your calorie intake is a good start however you also need to chill a little, excess stress can lead to weight gain, stress increases cortisol, excess calories consumed in the setting of high cortisol appear to be preferentially deposited around the middle. studies have also shown that our bodies metabolize slower under stress.

If you begin a thread in the diary section to log you food and exercise, other members can help with ideas as to where you can make small changes to reach your goals.[/QUOTE]
Hey thanks, that is really helpful. Today actually I relaxed for the first time in I don't know how long. I have been stressed due to the menopause it is NORMAL for stress to be harder to handle. ANd telling me to just chill is not helpful. However I did not know there was a journal area and I will use that helpful tool. SO thanks.
Mari, Opinions are like rectums everybody has one and it is a gift we can ignore them on this site. Are you dutch? Not a warm welcome. Social cue issues? I Asked for a KIND Word not a critique.
While BMI is not a great measure, without knowing your body fat % BMI tells us the yes, you are overweight.

While hormonal changes do have an effect, hormonal changes alone don't necessarily cause menopause weight gain. Instead, the weight gain is usually related to aging, as well as lifestyle. Walking and reducing your calorie intake is a good start however you also need to chill a little, excess stress can lead to weight gain, stress increases cortisol, excess calories consumed in the setting of high cortisol appear to be preferentially deposited around the middle. studies have also shown that our bodies metabolize slower under stress.

If you begin a thread in the diary section to log you food and exercise, other members can help with ideas as to where you can make small changes to reach your goals.
If you saw what I have been eating you would think my metabolism is just fine I just have npot moved in like a year and I have craved pasta and I allow myself to eat it. SO if I were honest in a diary I would see why exactly I am gaining weight. ANd a lot has to do with the low energy and not knowing before recently that due to inactivity I needed to cut my calorie intake. I can be on the border of aenemic so I make sure to get enough red meat. BUt perhaps I do not need as much. I am going to look for the journal section.
also I eat a half to one bar of organic dark chocolate a day with bread.:D So I have not made any effort until this week when I cut calories and started walking and swimming. I literally had no energy for a year. SO I am not surprised really where the weight is coming from. I still look good so it's ok I just don;t want to have loose skin or anything so I think I will continue my walking. ANd you are a good coach. I guess I thought i could continue as I was inactive and still stay thin at 50 and things change. If your activity level drops it follows that the calories should.
haha! I lost 6 lbs in six days by simply changing what I eat. I sacrificed no taste I am just not eating packaged gnochi and hamburgers. I switzhed beef for chicken and voila six pounds!!! I have not pushed myself at all. I have walked gently and played in the pool and I am so happy with just minal mopvement and changing a couple of things in my diet that really have made me feel fewer cravings and not more -I lost so much weight! But what is so much more important is that I feel so energetic and light. I do not feel bloated I believe the carbs were bloating me. I am still eating a small amount of bread maybe a little less than half what I was eating but i feel so great emotionally. No more gnocchi and heavy pasta for me. Also I thought i needed beef because i was on the border fo being anemic bt I guess chicken and the b supplement i take is enough. Because i feel 100 percent better than i did.
six pounds is the difference between feeling like I am not able to walk properly and walking faster than the kids from school! I guess my great genes and being a dancer and gymnast never leaves the body. Body memory is forever.
It sounds like you are feeling better!
I am angry and there is nothing i can do to magically lose this weight as menopause comes part and parcel with the menopause stomach if you are a real woman
There is no magic for any of us, my situation was and is very different from yours, but I can tell you that I struggled and continue to also.

And try not to worry too much about what others think of your appearance, which sounds fine to me. What matters is how you feel. For what its worth I have always appreciated the appearance of any woman who looked healthy and happy, and I know I am not the only man who thinks that way.
It sounds like you are feeling better!
There is no magic for any of us, my situation was and is very different from yours, but I can tell you that I struggled and continue to also.

And try not to worry too much about what others think of your appearance, which sounds fine to me. What matters is how you feel. For what its worth I have always appreciated the appearance of any woman who looked healthy and happy, and I know I am not the only man who thinks that way.
Thank you . You are so nice. But iI really do feel better eating differently. I never had a problem with my weight but I always had a problem eating salads and veggies. I was always drawn to carbs. And I did not understand until I made this change that I was feeling bad because of WHAT I was eating. I saw your recommendation but I do not want people criticizing what I eat. I just want to continue to make the good choices i am making and if I need some ideas I will peruse the diet journal section. I cannot believe I lost six pounds changing what i eat. See I always ate carbs and never gained weight. But I was always so active. The truth is i never feel better or stronger than when I eat cabbage salad or raspberries but I do not know how to make it. I have to buy these things out because it is a long story but my mother was not a good person. And I never learned how to eat properly. Now i am learning.:) it is never too late to make good eating choices. I have always drunk a lot of water since age 21 so that much is good.
P.s you look very fit in your pic I cannot imagine you struggled. You look like you have always been active.
I do not want people criticizing what I eat
That won't happen here, this is a very non-judgmental place. You may get suggestions, but no one will criticize you. I often find that just the act of tracking and posting my food makes me more aware of what I am doing and has lead me to better eating.
P.s you look very fit in your pic I cannot imagine you struggled. You look like you have always been active.
Ha! Not even close. Two years ago and 170 lbs heavier than my weight this morning I was very sedentary. Some of the people who have been here a while remember that. I did not believe I could even do things like walk more than very short distances or climb more than a single flight of stairs, and even that winded me. I started slow and built up my strength, to my surprise I found I could walk, and last year even managed to "climb" the mountain I can see from my house. I had not been in a gym since high school, now I go regularly. I am nothing exceptional, just an ordinary guy, if I can do that I am sure a "dancer and gymnast" can do better, probably much better.
That won't happen here, this is a very non-judgmental place. You may get suggestions, but no one will criticize you. I often find that just the act of tracking and posting my food makes me more aware of what I am doing and has lead me to better eating.

Honestly, I don't know how it happened that I just became more and more sedentary. This week I got my energy back and I stayed in the pool for two hours yesterday. I was always so active and then little by little I became inactive and it never showed because I was naturally thin and so a little extra weight just made me curvy. My frame is so small that I could never look Huge.

But memories started resurfacing from when I was a child and how far I walked and how active i was and that is really my natural state. Being inactive is not. I realize this now and have gotten back into walking far distances which is 20 minutes each way right now for me but I walk very fast like a New Yorker, it. would be 45 minutes each way walking normally. I speedwalk.

I really feel SO much more energetic being more active. I thought that by allowing myself to rest is what I needed and I think I was so tired precisely because of what I was eating. Carbs don't really give you energy- at least they don't give ME energy. Every time i finished eating I felt bloated.

Eating chicken and rice and fruit and salad makes me feel better-it even clears my mind. Fruit and salad really clear my mind.
I believed i needed all those calories because when I was little my mother starved me. I did not eat enough and I was always afraid of starving myself as I naturally did as a child and teenager learning self starvation as a three year old. Therefore, to take care of myself as an adult i have eaten a lot just not the right combination of things. ANd in the last year I put on weight because I was without any energy from the hormone fluctuations combined with not eating enough salad or any for that matter, and eating too much gnocchi-and other pasta and too much beef. I made the butcher grind the filet Mignon however beef is still fatty regardless. I was diagnosed as anemic after being starved my entire childhood so i thought i needed a lot of beef to make up for that.

Anyway, I am grateful that I am in Eastern Europe because I have a plethora of restaurants to choose form with awesome salads and chicken dishes. Between the immigrants and locals there is a nice mix of cuisine here. I am also grateful that that those As$hole guys lit a fire under me to get active.LOL
If those guys did not make those comments I would never have changed my food choices and really the effect in my mood is what matters to me. To FEEL energetic is priceless. To feel clear headed is priceless. If i continued eating what I was eating I would continue feeling emotionally drained, not to mention physically bloated and exhausted. Also the exercise actually energizes one, paradoxically. I thought what was needed was more rest, when it was in fact the opposite.
You know, in 2008 when I was completing a Master's in Environmental Studies, I remember I took a course in organic farming . I remember a guy in class saying to me "if you ate fresh fruits and vegetables you would feel better," as I have had anxiety and depression throughout my life as a rsult of being starved and abused as a child. and I did not "get" it at the time becasue I simply did not believe what I ate would have any effect on my mood which was pretty much the same my whole life. This week I learned that what he said holds merit.

I am going to go over and write what I eat but if i am criticized I am not doing it again. I do not want to be triggered. I was starved and I do not need to feel undeserving again.
I am so happy for you. Congratulations on climbing the mountain! That is great progress! I think you made it. NO going back from that point.
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P.S> A trainer at the gym asked if I was a professional synchronized swimmer-I guess I haven't lost my form. I just need to lose my menop[ause tummy.
That won't happen here, this is a very non-judgmental place. You may get suggestions, but no one will criticize you. I often find that just the act of tracking and posting my food makes me more aware of what I am doing and has lead me to better eating.

Ha! Not even close. Two years ago and 170 lbs heavier than my weight this morning I was very sedentary. Some of the people who have been here a while remember that. I did not believe I could even do things like walk more than very short distances or climb more than a single flight of stairs, and even that winded me. I started slow and built up my strength, to my surprise I found I could walk, and last year even managed to "climb" the mountain I can see from my house. I had not been in a gym since high school, now I go regularly. I am nothing exceptional, just an ordinary guy, if I can do that I am sure a "dancer and gymnast" can do better, probably much better.
It turns out I was right about the diary being a free for all. KArrie who posts the rules for the so called diary forum states that anyone can be critical and obnoxious but the person who posts her diary. Yeah-Um, that is NOT helpful, and i will not put myself around a bunch of people with no lives who have nothing better to do than insult what other people eat. SO glad i did not listen to you. ANd I think you are just stirring up trouble saying i would "fit in" there when clearly being a sensitive and highly intelligent individual I would nOT be okay with the nastiness. Besides you can tell I do not spend much time on forums i have a life. Ciao.
Hey, after reading your thread, I must say you are an incredible human. Don't change you for anybody. Remember you are only you and nobody in the world matches you!
Thanks, I know. I own a site and Mari would be so off my site if she ever responnded to anewcomer so rudely and if she is a modefrater she would be FIRED! I wonder how the owner of this site feels about her rudeness to me a s a newcomer. I am sure He or she knows she needs to go!
Mari- If you don't have Asperger syndrome which is the only excuse fro your ugly reply and which is what I thought when I saw your response, then get the hell away from me I already ignored Your weird ass.
Mari- If you don't have Asperger syndrome which is the only excuse fro your ugly reply and which is what I thought when I saw your response, then get the hell away from me I already ignored Your weird ass.
Bless your heart.
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