I almost deadlifted my house one time...

Back when I was a kid (about 4-5 years old) I loved Popeye, I use to watch him all the time on TV. He would eat spinach and go from a wimp to a beast just like that. I loved that ****! My mom sometimes fed me spinach and I believed that it made me incredibly strong.

Sometimes my two older (one 5 years older, one 3) female cousins were over at my house and my mom would feed me spinach. When she did that I would chase my cousins around the house with my arms flailing and acting all tough :jump1:

Everybody intensified my belief that the spinach was making me incredibly strong.

One time my cousins were asking me to lift various objects.. I can't remember what they were asking me to lift, but I could lift everything they threw at me.

Then they suggested that I lift up my house... I was completely up for it and believed 100% that I could do it.

So I went up to the side of my house and got into a deadlift position.. I got a good grip and was ready to go.....

I put every last ounce of my effort into trying to uproot my house (without even thinking of the ramifications if I were to succeed), fully expecting my strength would be enough to lift the house with ease...

I tried for about three seconds and there was no progress... I couldn't believe it... I didn't think there was one thing I couldn't lift.

So that's my story of how I nearly deadlifted my house :jump1:

For some reason I was thinking about it today, and wanted to post it here :)
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That's a cute story!
You're a user! A cheat! All your gains were made from injesting some green **** into your body. You're not even attractive. You just look like a monster.
You're a user! A cheat! All your gains were made from injesting some green **** into your body. You're not even attractive. You just look like a monster.

You are cheating yourself by missing out on the HUGE gains that that "green ****" can bring!

"Mr. Natural".
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Whenever we are out in the woods I tell my son to push over a tree and he tries like hell LOL cute little dude

When my son was about 18mos old, everytime he walked past this one particular tree in our yard, he would try to push it down. I mean, he would give it hell.

I love that stuff.

He is currently 4 - and we have him watching Popeye for that exact reason. B/c spinach (and other various foods) make you insanely strong and you can actually watch your muscles get bigger when you eat them!!!