Sport I Actually Bought A Book!!! Xd

Sport Fitness
Yes, I went to chapters, and went to the "diet/ nutrition" section. I felt somewhat funny being there, looking at those books. People would walk by and look at me, looking like "as if I needed it".

Well, I bought one. 12 Can. Dollars. A giant dictionary sized "Vitamin bible". It has..everything, I guess, on vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, ect.

I hope to gain UBER knowledge and make various changes to my eating habits in order to make physical improvements. First step, Day and Night pharmacy, pills. :D
So are kids saying "uber" now? Cause thats as annoying as "owns" - maybe stop putting it in caps every time you use it. lol j/k - not really though ;)
Yeah, I use it as a mockery to one of my friends, who uses it all the time. I capitilize it because it is supposed to be sorta,...putting a ridiculous sense on it all.

UBR OWNS THOUGH!!1!!11!!1!! OMG WTF WTH IS WRONG WIT U?!1!!!!!!?!!?!?11!1!!??!!!!?!!11??!?? OMG LOL
