
Hey guys well i just finished a large bulk a while back and im sitting in at around 185 with a bf% of about 18 now im about 2 months into my cut and im not seeing very great results (compared to previous cuts) and i was wondering does using hydroxicut have any negative affects on muscle loss while loosing fat? i need to speed up my cut a little bit but im not willing to compromise muscle mass. So does hydroxicut cut down muscle aswell as fat like in some common diets and other suppliments?
I'm not really sure that Hydroxycut is the best fat burner out there anyway. I've personally taken Lipo 6 everytime I've wanted to cut, and it has worked great. It has won many awards as being the best fat burner out there, so if you're tired of Hydroxycut, and you want to try something new, then you may want to check it out.

Hope this helps!
H-cut is a thermogenic. If you've never used a thermogenic before you should try H-cut first. It's a milder fat burner and your body will adjust to it better than jumping with both feet into a supplement that your body can't handle. Muscletech came out with H-cut Hardcore and it's some very intense stuff. It also has an appetite depressant to keep you from eating so much. My suggestion would be to try 2 months of the regular H-cut and then step it up to the hardcore. Can't wait to see some results.
All over the counter so called fat burners are ALL CRAP!

The deficit diet is the Fat Burner

And, one last thing:

Good advice is below. Diet pills dont work. Save your money and invest time and effort into yourself, and you will be rewarded a thousand times more than the money spent on so called Fat burning diet pills:

The Magic Pill:

There is a magic (fat burner) pill:

One walks in their...Magic Pillbox....everyday.

Its you and the body.

And, every time you continue your diet and exercise, you take one pill out of the box toward your goal.

Yes, there is a magic pill. Its you. And, you walk within it everyday.

An opposite Thought:

A Poison Pillbox

One walks in this Pillbox......everyday.

Every time you make an excuse to not exercise (when scheduled) or inappropriately cheat on the diet, you take one pill from this box against your goal

Yes, there is a poison Pillbox, and you walk in this everyday you make an inappropriate choice when dealing with the natural human impulses of the body.

Answer: Be the Magic Pill.

You can be friend or foe to yourself and sometimes both. Think about it. The truest form of wisdom is learning to deal with yourself.

Hydroxicut is CRAP.

Deficit dieting is the fat burner, and EVERYTHING follows after this. The deficit can be implemented through the diet or exercise can cause the deficit when you know your MT line reference.
Totally agree with Chillen, what is up with all these fat burner suppliments people love to take? Concentrate on your diet as it is the real deciding factor. If your diet is crap, your results are going to be crap.
how will you feel when you hae DONE IT NATURALLY? sure hope you find out.

it's rare that a "pill success" story is ever heard- well except to sell more pills.
Every time you make an excuse to not exercise (when scheduled) or inappropriately cheat on the diet, you take one pill from this box against your goal
See signature!

I have heard of H-Cut working, but if you're poor like me and dont want to spend a bunch of money on that crap, you can be patient and do it for free.
ok so it seems all the knowledged users disagree with fat loss pills,,
i have a few questions.. so any insite to help a newb and other ppl reading this board would be helpful..

So everyone says pills dont work. but what they always say is "pills alone wont work"
now if taking a pill like hydroxycut or lipo 6 rev ect ect while doing a diet plan and a good 3-5 day cardio/weights plan, will the pills speed up the process? (for the hard to lose weight ppl like myself)

Also i have been taking rapidcuts "hardcore series", now i have been reading a little about this stuff, it says it targets, releases, then ignites fat. and whilel i have been taking this stuff for only 3-4 weeks now, with light cardio in the morning before work, and light after work (jogging) i have noticed a difference, so has the scale!

BUt what i would liek to know is, does anyone know if rapidcuts is one of teh better brands to use?The guy at teh supplement store said it was there best one (and not the highest price so i know he wasnt pushin sales)

correct me if im wrong or mislead please.
If your diet is on par and your not seing results then why the hell not take a completely legal and reasonably safe supplement. I personally would rather get there with a perfect diet but if your circumstances dont permit this then do what you can.

They do help with a real good training regime and nutritional plan.
I ALWAYS look at the AVERAGE weight loss over the times they are advertising rather than looking at TOTAL weight loss.

It is well known on here that if you calculate your caloric needs and then reduce them by 500 calories per day PLUS burn an additional 500 calories thru exercise that you will lose approximately 2 lbs. per week.

Most of these supplements are banking on the fact that someone is either desperate, or does not know the above information.

Straight off of Hydroxycut's "Success Stories" page on their website:

"Greg Merrill" -- 37 lbs. in 18 weeks"
Average weight loss? 2.05 lbs. per week.

"Steve Hryniewicz" -- 27 lbs. in 20 weeks"
Average weight loss? 1.35 lbs. per week.

"Erik Brokke" -- 52 lbs. in 17 weeks"
Average weight loss? 3.06 lbs. per week.

"Jim Abbott" -- 20 lbs. in 17 weeks"
Average weight loss? 1.18 lbs. per week.

"Skip Wood" -- 39 lbs. in 20 weeks.
Average weight loss? 1.95 lbs. per week.

"Chris Steel" -- 20 lbs. in 10 weeks.
Average weight loss? 2.00 lbs per week.

"Dr. Jon Marshall" 29 lbs. in 8 weeks.
Average weight loss? 3.5 lbs. per week.

The total average lbs. lost per week for all these success stories was 15.09 lbs. Divide that by 7 individuals...2.16 lbs. per week.

Here's another method to look at it: The TOTAL weight loss for all 7 guys was 224 lbs. The TOTAL time this was done over was 110 weeks.
Average weight loss per week? 2.04 lbs. per week.

Finally, let's look at it another way (basically same as above): The average total lbs. lost was 32 lbs. (224/7). The average total time frame was 15.71 weeks (110/7).
Average weight loss? 2.04 lbs. per week.

The guys that lost the higher average amounts aren't out of the norm either. Most people will lose a significantly higher amount of weight initially and then "trickle" the rest off over time. What also normally happens is people do not readjust their caloric intake as they begin to lose weight. For instance, they start at 200 lbs., lose 10 but still eat the 200 lb. minus 500 calorie diet which will not give them the same results as a 190 lb. less 500 calorie diet. Down to minimum caloric intake of course -- about 1800 for men -- and you better have lots of lean protein if you're gonna go that low.

What would have been most telling is if they had all 7 guys weigh loss measured over the same amount of time. Say 8 or 12 weeks.

I'm pretty sure since they "followed a reduced calorie diet and workout plan" the majority of their weight loss was from diet and exercise. I'll go out on a limb here and say the ingredients in the supplement (or any like them) have little, if anything, to do with the weight loss.

I'll save my money.
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If you're not losing weight, it's your diet. You need to mix it up. Just eating good doesn't necessarily mean you will lose weight. Simply adjust your diet, and see if you can get your results sooner.

In my opinion, as well as the opinion of everyone else, diet pills are nothing more than a inconvenience to your time, effort, and money.

Simply put, your time will be wasted because you got your results sooner, but later you will regain what you lost. Therefore your time is wasted effort because you went back to where you started.

Your effort is wasted because instead of exercising and dieting like a pro, you decided to take the easy way to get a temporary result. Your effort is further wasted when you regain the weight after not taking the pill and having to refocus on why you regained the weight.

Your money is wasted because you spent money on junkie pills rather than on more valuable things like a bottle of multi, or something. Your money is further wasted because you could have bought good, natural food that could feed you for weeks. Your money is further wasted because you could have went and bought a brand new pair of weight belt to pump up your exercise to the next level.

All in all, I say sit down, look at what your exercise and diet are like, and make adjustments. Try running some, or another cardio exercise to jumpstart your fat lost. Or look at your weight training, try to see if perhaps you can add more weight, less/more reps, or something. Look at your diet. Perhaps you're eating the same as you did or maybe you need to adjust your eating habits before and after your cardio/weight sessions.

You are aware this is an old thread from August.......

I didnt know if you noticed

Its all good.......
someone has gifted me hydroxycut hardcore tablets for weightloss, but, i am scared whayt if i start putting on weight instead of loosing, etc, etcplease guide
The answer is in one of my first posts to this thread.

Return it, and say thank you.

If he doesnt want it.......trash it......and then do the thing that really works, brotha: Deficit diet and exercise.

Best wishes to you
