Hypoglycemia- snack suggestions on the go?


New member
I have (not diabetes-related) hypoglycemic-type reactions when I don't eat relatively frequently (at least every 3 hours), and so try to incorporate snacks into my diet. When I'm at home this is easy- grab a piece of fruit or a rice cake with peanut butter on it- but when I'm out, particularly when I end up out longer than I'd planned, it can be tricky, particularly when the food options around aren't calorie counted or are abysmal, or both. Yesterday I was in a bad state because I couldn't find myself something suitable to eat and couldn't convince myself to eat any of the crap that was on offer (that's a separate issue I'm dealing with- relinquishing control- but I'm dealing with that in my diary)... and, well, I nearly got run over by a tram. I don't want that to happen again.

Does anyone have any suggestions of things I can take around with me (in the bottom of my bag, say) in case of emergencies that's a good stop gap measure for preventing or slowing hypoglycemia? Particularly something that doesn't get squashed too easily and has a longish shelf life (so it doesn't explode in my bag or get disgusting lying forgotten in there), and ideally (although not as importantly) an ok-good option nutritionally and not super high calorie?
Hi! How about some raw nuts? Raw almonds or walnuts would be great to keep on hand. I also recommend a high quality protein powder that you can keep in a BPA free bottle and then all you have to do is add water. I love Garden of Life Raw Protein or Dr Mercola Miracle Whey. I also love these refrigerated bags called Pack It which I bought on Amazon and this allows me to bring snacks that need to be kept cool. Good luck!

Nicole Glassman

Holistic Nutritionist
I assume you are in the UK?

It is hard to find healthy snacks on road here! I travel a lot and get stuck on long drives and in long meetings so I always keep snacks in the bottom of my bag.

Waitrose sell a range of completely 'clean' health bars:

- 'Naked' brand do range of nothing but fruit bars - they do not have fruit juice added.

- the Waitrose 'love life ' range have a grain or nut range that is good.

- both M&S and Waitrose sell very small snack bags of nuts, dried apricots, mixed nuts/fruit.

I carry these items as quick snacks plus I will usually grab some fruit as I head out the door.

It is difficult to eat well on road but these types of snacks are well packaged and travel well in the bottom of a bag! :)
As you are still new and have to discover what matches your needs, considering fruits for now is best for you.