Hydroxycut Hardcore?

I hadn't taken any of these fat burners since they've been ephedra free, whats so different about Hydroxycut hardcore opposed to regular Hydroxycut? Aside from the price tag that is? I don't plan on taking it, because I'd like to see what I can do with cardio and a healthy diet. My brother in law IS taking it, and I'm kind of skeptical on whether or not its going to do anything for him.

Any ideas on fat loss? Aside from running and eating right? Particular foods speed up metabolism? Aside from water, whats a good drink for fat loss?
In my opinion there is no such thing as a fat burner. I never took any so called fat burners and I never will.

The only fat burner I know of is YOU doing diet and exercise coupled with determination, will, and lots of passion toward the goal you seek. Dont waste your money, instead, purchase time in reading the stickies, educating yourself on the "requirements and truth" on fat loss, and set up a program, and give this time.

The diet is the fat burner.
In my opinion there is no such thing as a fat burner. I never took any so called fat burners and I never will.

The only fat burner I know of is YOU doing diet and exercise coupled with determination, will, and lots of passion toward the goal you seek. Dont waste your money, instead, purchase time in reading the stickies, educating yourself on the "requirements and truth" on fat loss, and set up a program, and give this time.

The diet is the fat burner.

Thats what I thought. When I had asked about what to drink for fat loss, I wasn't implying some magic serum. Rather, what is a good drink to have, thats good for the body? Water is the obvious, but is there anything out there that doesn't have a lot of calories that has flavor? During a workout, should I stick with water, or is there something else thats recommended? Thanks for any input.
Water is the best thing your body can use during workouts. Don't be fooled into believing that things like Gatorade/power drinks are useful during workouts. Those things are designed for high performance athletes who are in serious danger of dehydration. You shouldn't be having that problem at the gym and if you do, it's because you didn't drink enough water before, during, and after.

Water, water, water!!! Also, don't buy those vitamins mixed waters. They're just as bad as drinking a can of soda.

But if you want flavor... maybe whey protein, or fiber can be good. Whey protein before a workout, and fiber during the mornings, afternoons, and dinners.
Aside from water, whats a good drink for fat loss?

Green tea might speed up metabolism (it has 0 cals, and when used in moderation, it can be quite good for the body). Use the organic green tea bags, not the ones you buy in a can like Sobe or whatever you call it.

There are some other type of teas you can drink that might help speed up metabolism, but I haven't really read into it.

All in all, nothing is going to make you lose fat unless you diet and exercise (which is already pointed out by the other post).

You should also note that fat burners work in a weird way. Most of them work by absorbing the fat, and pushing it out during your bathroom time. With that said, if you eat food with a lot of fat in it, you're going to have painful/embarrassing bathroom trips as well as a fairly higher than average bm. Either way, it might help you lose a pound or two, and then you'd gain it right back when you stop taking it.
Actually Gatoraid will help during the workout, but not at full stength. We (athletes) put 1/3 to 1/2 of the recommended serving of gatoraid in water. So in essence, it is watered down gatoraid. Not the best taste, but it does help. Some guys even think plain water tastes better, but you get used to it.
Green tea might speed up metabolism (it has 0 cals, and when used in moderation, it can be quite good for the body). Use the organic green tea bags, not the ones you buy in a can like Sobe or whatever you call it.

There are some other type of teas you can drink that might help speed up metabolism, but I haven't really read into it.

All in all, nothing is going to make you lose fat unless you diet and exercise (which is already pointed out by the other post).

You should also note that fat burners work in a weird way. Most of them work by absorbing the fat, and pushing it out during your bathroom time. With that said, if you eat food with a lot of fat in it, you're going to have painful/embarrassing bathroom trips as well as a fairly higher than average bm. Either way, it might help you lose a pound or two, and then you'd gain it right back when you stop taking it.
Fair enough, I've been pushing him to drink more water. He even admits he doesn't drink enough. I've always heard the best thing you can do for your metabolism is to drink water, and then drink more water. I'm going to get him off of his Hydroxycut BS, and force feed him water if I have to.
The diet is the fat burner.

That is a good quote.