Hydroxycut Hardcore + Muscle Mass?

Hey everyone, my first post here. I did try a basic search and did not find the answer to my question, sorry if this was discussed before but hopefully you can help me out here.

My question is if Hydroxycut prevents gaining muscle mass. I know it's used as a weight loss supplement, I do want to get more cut but I feel like I need a larger muscle mass first. So will this supplement get in the way of me achieving larger muscles?? Primarily my chest needs more growth, it's kind of premature compared to the rest of my body.

The main reason why I'm considering this is my goal to a six-pack, despite a steady diet and ab workouts I just cannot seem to reach that goal, so for the first time considering supplements...but if it will get in the way of my muscle gains then I'd have to reconsider. Thanks in advance!
I would say it prevents gaining muscle as much as it helps lose weight.

0 = 0​

fat burners can work...but only if the rest of your diet is spot on, and the product in question actually has the right ingredients in the right quantities.

However, the fact you are really missing is you EITHER put on muscle mass OR you shed body fat. the two goals are polar opposites. the former requires extra food intake, the latter requires a food deficit.

You cannot have your cake and eat it too.
Thanks for the reply!

Then I guess I should ask.....is it possible to achieve a 6-pack while at the same time your attempting to build muscle mass?

I know for muscle mass you can't strict yourself on a low-carb or low-fat diet, but those two are also essential towards gaining a 6-pack, so can both be done at the same time?
When you want to build muscle mass you are gonig to be taking in more calories, and gaining some fat as well as muscle. It would be hard to lose belly fat under these conditions. I'd have to say one or the other, cant have the best of both worlds with one plan. Cycle bulking and cutting.
When you want to build muscle mass you are gonig to be taking in more calories, and gaining some fat as well as muscle. It would be hard to lose belly fat under these conditions. I'd have to say one or the other, cant have the best of both worlds with one plan. Cycle bulking and cutting.

Thanks again, so do most people just bulk until their satisfied with their mass and then cut....or do you have to switch off and on periodically?