How's my workout?


New member
I was planning to do the following workout once or twice a day but I want to know if its an alright workout - any advice? :)

- stretches
- 30 sit-ups
- 5min skipping
- sprinting
- 5min skipping
- 30 sit-ups
- stretches

it's a very basic training program ... more of a maintenance than anything, though. Unless, of course, the sprinting is 20-30 minutes long ... which wouldn't sound like sprinting anymore :)
Do all the situps at once and increase your skipping to 2-3 sets of 5 minutes with 30 second breaks ... otherwise the skipping is just a warm-up / cool-down for your sprinting.
maybe consider implementing weights in your workout. vital for many reasons but usally a good motivator is just knowing that lean muscle burns at least 3 times as much calories as fat does. circuit training method makes it an aerobic workout as well.
I can't remember the source, but I do remember being told once that for the best weightloss results, you should keep your heart going at an elevated rate for a minimum of 15 minutes at a time, and the longer, the better. I mention in another thread that I'm doing 45 mins of biking, but I had to work my way up (with a lot of sweat and complaining) from even the 15... so it will be hard at first, but it gets easier to go for longer after even a week!

t'is4me also echoes something I've also been told - muscles are great for increasing your metabolism. You don't even need like big "Arnie" muscles, just some lean ones from moderate exercise. Situps are good for developing ab muscles, but you'll need to work up from 30, maybe set a goal for 100? If you aren't even a little bit tired at the end, you should bump it up.

Or so I've heard, I haven't started doing situps myself since I got too much belly in the way still! :eek:
Maybe instead of the skipping/sprinting, so for a walk or jog, then mix the sprints in. That way you'll get some more cardio and the benefits of intervals with the sprints.

You might also want to check out a site like and look at some strength training ideas. that you can do at home with minimal equipment.

But anyway, just getting moving is a great start!