How to train a bit of muscles on 16 years old?

Hey people,

Im (only) 16 years old, and my weight is 134.2 lbs, and 182 cm tall. I really want some muscles, but not that much, just a good looking body. How can i achieve that. I have got some dumbells here at home, planning to go to the gym. Do i also have to eat other things, i really don't think i have to on 16 years old.

Let me know people, thanks!

A Dutch kid :p
In order to gain any weight other than water weight, you need to consume more calories than you use. That means either increasing the amount you consume, or decreasing the amount you use. I don't recommend the latter, so that leaves you with eating more. 500kcal/day above whatever calories you're currently consuming should see you gaining 1lb/week. Do that while training the whole body at the gym, and you should see gains in size and strength.