How to Stay Motivated and On Track?


New member
I have been trying to lose weight for a long time. However, I find that I just keep giving up and putting on more pounds. At times I even begin to embrace myself as a "fat person" and forget what I need to do to be healthy.
I am not so much worried about superficially looking good...I really just desire to be healthy and lower my risk for weight related diseases.
I am at a very unhealthy weight currently; I am 21 years old, and weigh 245 lbs. I am 5'7".
For people who have been successful, do you have any advice for someone who is struggling with weight loss?
Hey B.
There are several things you can do to stay motivated and help push you to your goal. It more of a matter of body over mind. To start, don't let your mind decide what, when and where to workout or to eat. Let your body do the talking. So many people (myself included) made or make up excuses not to workout that day or what and how much to eat.

Here are a couple ideas to maybe help you stay motivated. You can pick or choose what ever you like. Its really up to you to decide what will work for you.

1. Get a workout/diet buddy - This way you can push each other and inspire each other.
2. Pictures - Find a picture of what you want your ideal/reasonable weight and appearance to be. Then over time take pictures of yourself and put them side by side somewhere where you will see them every day. Say like your bathroom mirror. This way you will see your progress.
3. Family - Tell your family of your plans and ask them to help by reminding you or motivating you about your workout schedule and diet.
4. Contest - Find a fitness or weight loss contest that you can enter. This way you will fee obligated to get out there and work. Check with your local gyms, workplace or communities to find one. If you can't find one then create your own and invite your friends, family and coworkers to join. (could be fun)
5. Clothes - Buy an outfit that is one or two sizes to small. Then about every two weeks to a month try it on. Once you are able to fit comfortably in that outfit then repeat the process. (This is my favorite cause it is always a great feeling to fit into that smaller size, and it makes you feel that your are really accomplishing something)

Well its not a long list, but there you go, something to start with. And I'm sure there are plenty of people here that are more than happy to also give a helping hand.

So good luck on your progress. I'll be rooting for you
I want to congratulate you for your awareness. you understand your problem and you have desire to be healthy. So you have set a goal which is the first step. Firstly I would suggest you learn everything you can about healthy eating and exercise and apply them to your lifestyle. secondly I highly recommend you study the work of Tony Robbins. he is a strategist/motivational speaker for life I remember this one thing he said which is to achieve your goal you need to apply more pain to not taking action than taking action. meaning you need to realize all the pain obesity would bring you in the future if you don't make the change like diseases early death etc sounds harsh but that's the point. verses staying comfortable which is where you are now. when you create more pain to not taking action than taking action then you can move forward to your goal. after you have done that you can create the ultimate pleasure at the end of your journey which is feeling the best you can possible feel free of disease and helping others achieve there goal because you pulled through and you are making the world a far better place because you made your change. most of the time its all about mindset a human being will move towards pleasure and do everything he/she can do to avoid pain. I am not saying its going to be easy its not but create ultimate pain to obesity and create ultimate pleasure to the healthiest version of yourself. Something else you could try is to listen to weight loss hypnosis tacks. you can easily find them free on youtube. I really hope this helps. I highly recommend watching Tony Robin's videos. please don't give up you can change the world.