how to start running when you're a non-runner :)

I want to start running. but i'm not a runner.

anytime i have run in the past (which was more like a walk/jog/run combo) i would feel like dying the day after and my ears would burn and hurt immediately after running... like... if you dont wear a hat on a windy cold day. weird.

anyways... is there a good way to ease into a steady running routine? Eventually I'd like to run 3-4 times a week and have some stretchy exercises thrown in throughout the week because i heard that runners have tight hamstrings and can become less flexible if they forget to throw in some yoga or pilates or something.

My bf's brother just started pushing himself running as far as he could everyday til he could do it continuously for 2-3 miles...

my bf is working on an elliptical at the gym in his building so there's no impact on his feet until he's in better shape.

What is an effective "starter" routine for the UBERnovice runner?
Should I hit the pavement for a set amt of time and work on running/jogging more than i walk... or is there a good combo of intervals i should start with??
Yea. Go out there and see how far you can run without stopping.
Interval training is far better than just going outside and running. At the first 30 seconds of running, you are using purely anaerobic energy. Afterwards, your body begins to use its aerobic energy, and will eventually favor anaerobic. With this said, since you never run in the past, your body can't pump enough oxygen through its muscles to sustain a continuous run, and will try to use energy it has stored, in which cause it doesn't since it's used up. Thus, you feel tired, and eventually stop running, and possibly feel sick.

For 3 days a week, start a warm up for about 3-5 minutes by walking fast and keeping your breathing under control. After about 3-5 minutes, begin running at a light pace. Do not worry about your distance or speed. Simply run at a pace you're comfortable with. After 3-5 minutes of running, begin walking again at a fast pace. Keep doing this for 3 times a week, for at least 20-30 minutes a day, you should be able to run for 1 mile, non-stop by the third week.

Also, stretching is not important in the case of running. You’ll warm up if you walk for the first several minutes and your body will become loose to handle running. By stretching, you could harm your body more than helping it. So walk for several minutes at a fast pace before you do anything.

If you want to stretch, do it after your run, not before.
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No, I don't agree with not stretching. I've got injured because of not stretching. I would at least stretch for 2 or 3 minutes.
hi bunny

I agree with dallen in how to begin. Interval training is a good way to start.

You can walk a mile in 20mins so you should be aiming for a mile every 15 mins.
start with one mile for a week and then progress to two miles.


Always strecth before and after any strenuous exercise, and running is in the high impact bracket. Strecth each muscle for around 10secs before and 25 secs after. yes the walking at the start and end of the run will help, but it will not do what is nesescery.

do not drink or eat anything an hour before you run. as this can cause "stitches" and tearing of internal organs.

within an hour after the run sip at least a pint of water and eat a good meal.

i should proberbly stfu now as im going on a bit

i hope it goes well for you, and that you enjoy the endorphins as much as i do.
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I have to chime in on the stretching thing... static stretching... Don't stretch cold muscles... definitely warm up... walk around... light jog... do some stuff to get loose... check out what is called active stretching...

I don't stretch before anymore... and since I quit doing that I haven't pulled a muscle... BUT I definitely warm up... and stretch (static) afterwards... and the usualy again later that night like before bed...

I could go either way on the interval training... if you plan to just run/jog... then my advice would be to run at a pace you could carry on a conversation... if you are thinking about your breathing then slow down... Try to get in 4 days a week... like rest on Tuesday, friday, sunday...

The most important thing you can do is get good shoes.. go to a store for runners and get a quality pair of shoes...
I have to chime in on the stretching thing... static stretching... Don't stretch cold muscles... definitely warm up... walk around... light jog... do some stuff to get loose... check out what is called active stretching...

Stretching from cold weakens tendons and muscles making it more likely that you'll injury yourself. Warm up before exercise and stretch after.

My tip for first time runners - Open your legs ;)
By that I mean your stride of course. Most newbi runners I see on the street bounce up and down more than they move forward; this places stress on tendons and joints, use all your momentum to go forward and not up.
This was very helpful, as I had the same exact question. And Bunny, I'm not far from you --Cuyahoga Falls, here. My nickname is also Bunny, how ironic. Anyway, I have been thinking about running/jogging myself, so hopefully I'll work my way up to it. I'd love to join the Army someday, but there's no way I could run 2 miles to pass the fitness test. :jump1:
1. get good shoes - critical. Consider where you will run most and get shoes for that environment.
2. tell us "why" you wish to run - critical as to whether Dallen on track for you or not.

3. answer #2 will help determine form.

how much do you weigh, stats and such?

there are some runners here. body development and running can be two different things (in regards to Dallen's advice- it is good depending on your "why" for running)

p.s by the time you are able to "really" do some nice healthy "running" it is going to be zero range temps in your area. Don't let that discourage you.

Biking will help your running. It's lower impact and can strengthen your cardiovascular system for the running. It will build up your leg muscles and that will, in turn, give you a more powerful stride.

I like the idea of starting with interval training. Don't exert yourself and try to get into great shape in a week, it takes time. Start small and set small goals.

Do some light exercise to warm up (walking), lightly stretch, perform your stenuouse exercise, then stretch really good.

If you cramp at night; drink more water or sports drink, stretch better after your workout, and while cramping very slowly massage the muscle and stretch it a little. It's amazing how painful cramps can be. If you panic and try to just straighten the muscle wile it's cramped you will pull it. Be gentle.

Drink a lot of water, but not immediatly before or after you work yourself hard. Drink a good amount in the morning. Take a break from drinking for an hour or two, exercise, have a small amount during and right afterwards, then continue with the large amounts into the night. One of the topics that I push the most to newbie runners in hydration. Being dehydrated is one of the worst things you can do for yourself.

Good luck with the running. Once you are in any type of shape and you can notice gains it's a wonderful thing.
do not drink or eat anything an hour before you run. as this can cause "stitches" and tearing of internal organs.

not even water if you run first thing in the morning?