Cohen's Lifestyle How to prevent over eating?

Prefix for Cohen's Lifestyle


New member
Hi there I am wondering if anyone has the same problem as me, that is when I know I am about to start a diet in this case the Cohen's plan you immediately start eating more and more food.

Today was exceptionally bad I visited The Cohen's clinic very excited about starting in the new year so I go to shops and bulk up on rubbish and eat myself silly.

I do not want to gain more weight before I start and think it's about time I get out of this cycle. Preparing the kids dinner tonight I'm nibbling away and then it hit me question the forum see what others out there think.

Does anybody else do this?

Hi Sam,
I think this is a well documented "dieters" behaviour... called the Last Supper. The only problem is that if you've decided not to start until the new year, you don't want to have the Last Supper for 2 months!

Something like a food diary can be a really helpful way of monitoring when and where and why you eat... as well as how much and what type of food.

The good thing about Cohen's is that it does reduce your cravings for sweet things.

There is a thread that lessfatty has started which is how to prepare for Cohens. I'd suggest that you try cutting back on carbs like bread and pasta over the next few weeks to prepare your body for what you're about to embark on and to help stop the cravings when you start. And increase your consumption of veges and fruits.
Thanks HL
I didn't realise it had a name "Last supper" gosh!!!!!!I've had a few of them.

It's funny so many of us must go through this but to hear or in this case read about it you know your not alone.

Thanks for the advice.