Weight-Loss How to manage


Cuppa Joe

New member

i am a 26 yo male, 5'8, 235 lbs. i've gained 90 lbs in the past 3 years.
i want to lose weight for health + self-esteem. it's affected my sleep, my heart (sharp pains), my ability to move around at ease, my sex life, my self-image (which has always been abysmal, even in my "skinny" days), exacerbated my social anxiety, etc. a month ago i started walking at a slow pace for about an hour a day and doing easy bicep/tricep exercises with 10 lb dumbells 2x's a week.
i've gone down 5 lbs so far. which is good.
only thing is . . . my diet. right now, i am unemployed (personal reasons), so my income is. . . well, almost non-existent post rent and internet. so i can't really afford super healthy things. mostly eating (mornings are okay. pouched eggs, brown toast, water. or oatmeal, brown toast, water.).
but lunch and dinner are usually like KD and Hungry Man meals. and that won't really change. because within a week into the month, i am flat broke and have to resort to the food bank and what friends/family give me (which is not much different than the food bank. and i don't blame them.).
anyway, is it going to be very difficult in the long run for me to try and lose weight if i'm eating hungry mans and kd and canned beans etc.? seems quite obvious it's not a good thing health-wise, but...i have lose 5 lbs so far.

i have cut out butter, salt (of my own pouring), pop, chips etc. and am drinking about 6 glasses of water a day. i have also cut out gorging and eating at late hours (between midnight-4 am. which i've been doing for the past few years. gorging in the early hours, and then sleeping on it.) - when i was working, i was eating XL pizza's to myself. in one sitting. i literally couldn't stop. if you'd put an XXL nfront me, i'd have to eat it. and would be left wanting more. so i've curbed that behaviour - but then again, i'm sorta forced to, with the way things are financially right now (i refuse to go on ODSP. so i'm stuck with the income I have. until i get better mentally...long story.)


*you're probably wondering where my priorities are when i'm choosing the net over healthy foods.
i am an addict! and it's the one way i can communicate (email) with family (as i don't have a phone). so kinda essential.
One thing about being a trainer and helping people I have found is that you don't judge anyone for any reason.

I am not sure what KD is that you are eating.. I also can't believe that food banks are giving out hungry man meals and I have had friends who have been down on their luck and I have worked in food banks to help out and have never seen any of them give out hungry man meals. Food banks I am sure are also giving out tuna fish, chicken in a can, lots of veggies, and probably soups. The one thing you want to watch out for is the sugar intake that you are getting. But eating the tuna, chicken and stuff is healthy and good for you.

If you are eating eggs for breakfast that is great, it is a good source of protein which is what your body needs. With the mix of carbs in your bread assuming it is a good whole wheat bread without a lot of butter on it. How about making some egg salad. Use caution when making any type of "salad" like tuna, chicken or egg to not use a lot of mayo in it but a tbsp per can is great or per egg. Those are healthy eating habits that will help you alot.

I am not sure what your personal reason for not working is but it is not medical you can do simple exercises in your home or just walk around the block a few times.

Eating late is not a good thing at all and I can tell that you do know that. I tell all my clients not to deprive yourself from what you want just have it in moderation or and not every day. Have a "cheat" day and enjoy somethings once a week. I wish you a lot of luck. Good Luck to you.
The Hungry Man meals are from family.
and i've yet to receive chicken in a can or even a can of tuna, sorry. KD, brown beans, bagels, powdered milk, carrot cake, canned peas, campbell's soups (HIGH in sodium), jello, etc. are what i receive quite regularly.
no point in making egg salad when i already have two pouched eggs for breakfast. don't really want to overdue eggs as far as cholesterol goes.
i am walking an hour a day (and on), as i said. and lifting a bit of weights.
anyway, thanks.