Sport How to make your own nutrional schedule

Sport Fitness
I picked this handy file up some months back on a dutch board, I've translated it and changed it so it worked better for me

Simply enter everything you eat in the nutrional tab and from there on it shouldn't take you more than 5 minutes to fill in everything you eat daily :) , or if you wish, make your own nutrional schedule.

Learn it, live it, love it!

(You may thank [focus] for the hosting :) )
I clicked it, I watched it, I didn't love it!

Lol It says page not found.
Hehe tell me what you think

There are still a few words in there that are not English, As well most people do not know how to convert pounds to KG and so on. i do not believe most people understand how military time works either ;). Though im sure a smart person will just use google and figure that stuff out ;)

otherwise it looks pretty cool. I have to be going in a few minutes so ill give it a more thorough try later on today.

Good job, it does look like a handy tool!

Koolhydraten = Carbs
Eiwitten = Protein
Vetten = Fat

And you can adjust the times yourself if you prefer AM/PM :)

Perhaps someone more accustomed to excel can change the formula's to pounds, if not it's pretty easy to figure out.

Glad you like it!
Seems the file no longer exists at that page...

No it does just Copy and paste the entire line (below) directly into your browser. Even the part that is in normal print.
