I am a type 1 diabetic, I was diagnosed when I was 19, im 27 in a few days. My problem is as soon as I was admitted to hospital I put 1 stone in weight on in the week I was there and another 5 stone since. I used to go to they gym for 2 hours a day but I went down to 1 hour and then just swimming, dog walking and exercise at home as I kept having too many hypos and the doctor said if I just keep to a healthy diet I would be ok. I am taking Novorapid with each meal and Levemir at night. I kept going back to my doctors for help and advice but they just said it will settle. I have managed to lose 2 stone of this weight but have 4 to go. Nothing seems to be working and I just wondered if anyone else is having trouble as most people on here seem to find it hard to GAIN weight as a type 1? I have signed up for a carb counting course at the hospital so fingers crossed this might help a bit as I may be able to reduce my insulin, I eat 3 healthy meals per day with the odd bacon sarnie or pizza maybe once a month!?