How to lose body fat and keep muscle?


New member
Hello. I have a goal of going from my current weight (6'4'' 245lbs 25% body fat) to 225lbs 15% body fat. I stated losing weight seven months ago tomorrow and have done (not to toot my own horn) a great job thus far. I started at 370llbs and >50% body fat, pre-diabetic, hypertensive, high blood triglycerides, and an abysmal LDL/HDL ratio. I lost over have the body fat, 125lbs, and have normal insulin sensitivity, blood pressure, triglycerides, and HDL/LDL counts. I can put off the weight, but I have noticed that my strength is lowering with my weight loss. I need to lose 30lbs of fat and add 10lbs of muscle if I am to reach my goal. Is it best to lose 30-40lbs and then start eating more to gain the muscle or is there a way to lose fat while gaining/maintaining muscle?
I currently eat between 1800-2200 calories a day (depending on exercise volume) with a macro split of 35-55% Fat, 35-45% Protein (130-160g/day), 20-30% Carbs (60-100g/day). I plan on increasing my caloric load as I near my maintenance weight.

Thanks for the help.
What is your weight training routine? You need to at least maintain your strength in order to not lose muscle.
Sorry for the delay. My workout sched. is not an amazing one, but I am not attempting to be as big as possible, just in good shape.
Monday: Heavy Back Squats, Pullups, Situps
Tuesday: Rest
Wednesday: 2 Hour Hike (w/ 40lb weighted rucksack, very hilly).
Thursday: Deadlift, Chinups, Dips
Friday: Rest
Saturday: 2 hours Basketball
Sunday: Bench Press, Box Jumps, Racquetball
As long as you are lifting weights at least 2-3 times/week you will maintain strength assuming you are eating enough calories including protein throughout your day. I would suggest eating at least 1gram per pound of body weight you want to get down to. Cut your carbohydrates down to what you need to function and not feel week consuming a decent amount of them after your workouts to replace the muscle energy(glycogen) that was used during the workout. I hope this helps