How to keep my testosterone at my normal levels without any loss?

What kind of foods do i need to eat or vitamans i need to take to keep my T at its normal levels? Also what kind of stuff makes you have low T and is it able to get them back up again? Just want to keep my T levels normal not any loss or dangerouse gains especially when i am lifting. THanks
I think you're way too concerned about testosterone levels. Unless you're showing signs/symptoms of low test, don't obsess.

eat all the kinds of foods we constantly recommend here, and don't go below 25% of daily calories coming from fat.
take a daily multivitamin.

LIFT HEAVY...squats, deadlifts, pullups, bench press, military press.
I think Ironman may be a little confused as to how muscle is made and what Test actually is.
Ironman - do you want anything explained?
Yeah i guess you could explain it to me if you want to i feal kinda stupid though asking these questions. Ive herd and read alot about it but i just like to know what it really does. In my opinion or what i herd is it can help build muscle and by doing this you have to have alot of it. Im not going to the extreme though and taking steroids or nothing like that i want to try and get it the natural way. Thanks for all the info maybe i will learn something new of this hopefully. Sorry for all the posts about this though just needed some opinions about it and stuff. Thanks
OK - how old are u btw?

basically - and I'm no scientist so I do mean basically...

Testosterone does have a part to play in building muscle, but not to the extent that you will ever need to worry about it. The only thing would be to not have enough, but thats nothing to do with weightlifting, thats medical.

muscle is grown in 2 stages,
1, by lifting weights which tears the muscle fibers,
2, by resting and getting the right nutrition so they heal bigger than before.

you'll never get big if you dont eat, and you wont build muscle if you dont tear them up.
Ive been lifting for some time now and seen some improvements over the time its just taking longer than i expected. Im 23 so i guess i shouldnt have to worry about the Test... hopefully. How can you tell if you dont have a enough if you can tell? Im always eating something just trying to find the right foods that are good for me in buidling muscle mass. I can give you my workout i do if you want me to and see if its even affective. Thanks
Some people can still shake hands with the mayor and have low test, but not many. If you have a reason to think you have low test (and you're on insurance), get some blood work done.. They'll tell you where you're at. I just had some done a couple months ago, and it tells you a lot.
Or you could do the "TEST test".

put a vase on a low table and stand naked in front of it.
employ some exotic dancers to take there clothes off on the otherside of the table and start your stopwatch.

If you knock the vase over in 2seconds - testosterone is very high
2-5seconds = high
5-10 seconds = normal
10seconds plus = low (unless your drunk, then thats good)

If you fail to knock the vase over you have low testosterone. (Or maybe your gay)

good luck

I must add that this "test test" is not confirmed by any major health organization.