How to get into tabata, first time was a fail

Hows it goin everyone

Im 16 and always been fairly fit and lean but slacked off a bit recently fitness didnt suffer to much. I started a bootcamp a couple months ago 3 times a week since then my fitness is back to its best. Ive decided to give tabata a shot but its alot harder than i thought i got up to the 3 interval and couldnt go on. Im fine to run 10km at a decent pace. Can anyone give me a way to start tabata sprints and be able to complete the whole 8

A couple of options:

1. add another sprint every week, until you get to 8
2. make the low intensity periods longer (30-60 seconds) and then gradually decresae the low intensity time (by 1-5 seconds every week).

Remember, it will never be easy. To be effective it has to be intense. You should feel like puking by the end of every session.