How to get back in the dating game?


New member

I know this is probably odd, however, I might as well try to get some feedback. Been divorced for a year, and went through the healing phase, now I am thinking it is time to get my feet wet. Any suggestions on getting back in the game? Not a big bar guy, and I do have kids, so my options are more main stream. I am not a gym member and if I were I would rather not go to one that is a meat market anyway. A gym is to workout. Just wondering if anyone has any thoughts or suggestions. Thanks in advance. Oh I know this thread is silly, but if you don't have anything nice and supportive, just save it , looking for support, nothing more.
Been out of the game for quite a while, myself, but I know that the meat markets were never very useful. I think that finding a local club for cycling or something like that would be useful. Even if there is no one available in the club, there are always women who would love to set up one of their single friends with a nice single guy. Worst case scenario is you meet people who are into the same things as you.
Ilike that idea of a cycling club...

is a website _ they stress NOT a dating site - but aplace you can meet people with similar exercise tastes and you can workout with- same gender - different gender -but it's a good place to make friends.. friends have single friends i'veheard.

I'm not a big fan of internet dating sites - for every perfect match made -there are 1000s of psycho, psycho wannabes, and worse...

I'd stick with where your intests lie - join a club, take a class that interests you...