Sport How to eat more calories for 16 year old boy

Sport Fitness
Hey guys, i really need some help :( im at breaking point :(

This is a really simple question, i only ever eat about 1800 calories a day!
I want to gain weight as i am skinny, how can i eat 4000 - 4500 calories a day?!

I can pretty much decide what i want for breakfast, lunch (to a certain extent) and i can have what ever snacks i want during the day, but obivousley something i can take to school and eat in lessons! so heres my meal plan

AM7:00 - Breakfast: Somebody tell me what i should be eating :)

AM11:15- Snack: Somebody tell me what i should be eating :)

PM12:30 - Lunch: Somebody tell me what sort of things i should be eating :)

PM2:30 - Snack: Somebody tell me what i should be eating :)

PM6:00 - Dinner: What ever mum cooks up, normally high carbohydrate!

PM9:00 - Snack: Somebody tell me what i should be eating :)

So how do i do it?! How can i eat 4000 - 4500 calroies a day on a school day?

I really need help with this :(

Thanks so much in advance guys,

Sam Milton
Id eat a big breakfast with eggs oatmeal nuts and juice. I dont know if you can carry a cooler with you if you can aim for a gallon of milk a day. carry nuts, cans of tuna, protein bars, jerky. Eat a big lunch eat a big dinner and eat a couple of cups of cottage cheese before bed. Just eat as often and as much as possible. If there is a will there is a way. A cooler will make it much easier but there are foods you can carry that dont require a cooler. but you can keep hard boiled eggs, cottage cheese, tuna sandwiches all kinds of things.
Thank you very much :)
Nuts are a good idea idea, i dont eat cheese or tuna, but im going to try tuna, beceause its really important to me :)
I cant really carry a cooler, but i can certainly carry like 5 bags or nuts, what type would you think is best? Cashew nuts or Peanuts?
For breakfast at the moment i have rReady Break, which is a porridge :)
By juice do you mean fruit juice?
And eggs, arnt they bad for you if say i had 2 everyday, mum gets caustious with things like that, im basicly trying to work around her, as im diabetic she is always nagging not to eat loads, but i know how to handle it and keep me safe, i just dont think she realises :)
first I just want to say that I dont know anything about diabetes so do some research before you do anything. Eggs arent as bad as they used to think. Egg protein is of really high quality and since you are skinny and wanting to gain weight I wouldnt worry too much. They are high in cholesterol and if you are concerned about that you could just eat the white and throw out the yolk. They white is just protein. Porridge is just oatmeal isnt it? I make mine with eggwhites and milk. This gives you more protein. You need to get a lot of protein. Atleast 1 gram per pound or 2 grams per kilo is recomended. As far as nuts I think all of them are pretty good. A lot of bodybuilders seem to prefer almonds, walnuts and peanuts. If you dont like tuna you can also get canned chicken but you may want to look into taking a fish oil supplement. I would also try makiing tuna patties they are pretty good not fishy tasting. You just need to look into high protein foods that you like to eat. A gallon of milk a day is highly recomended. You will definately put on weight.
Yeah thats fine i know all about my diabetes :)
Im english, so ill look into how many pints of milk a gallon is :)
Yeah ready break is ust a nice tasting porridge, as i hate porridge :L
I basicly want to go form 130lbs to 150lbs and keep 13% body fat, im fiding this really hard, ive been training for two years. i feel ive put on little over 5lbs, which is pathetic for 2 years, so im trying really hard :)
And i really appriciate your help :)
Thanks mate!!
Well, to eat that much in a day, you'll need to do a couple of things.

First, you'll need to eat more than three times a day, and not have any one meal be massive. Wake up, eat a breakfast made from half a container of egg whites and some cheese, drink with milk and add a cup of high-fiber cereal ( i recommend all-bran). While at school, carry a bag of peanuts around, eat those constantly. When you have a break, make a cup of plain balkan style yogurt with a scoop of plain protein powder and some granola and raisins on top. It mixes fine and tastes pretty good.

For lunch, eat a spinach salad with a dressing made from two tablespoons of olive oil/flax oil and two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, and have three chicken breasts on top with some cashews. Also eat an apple. the salad actually increases your appetite and gives you a massive shot of vitamins to improve things like muscle performance and recovery, among others.

After lunch, eat another yogurt mix and don't stop snacking on those peanuts. After school, make yourself a tuna melt (bagel, tuna with low-fat miracle whip, a slice of swiss cheese on top of the tuna, melt in an over or toasater oven until bagel is toasted). For dinner, eat a hamburger made from: 8 oz ground beef, one egg, a small amount of sliced onion and red pepper and a spoonful of pesto sauce. Mash with hand, form into patty, cook. Eat another salad with this, and another apple. It's delicious.

Before bed, make an omelette with two eggs and half a container of egg whites, some more cheese.

If you are haing a workout day, you will in addition to the other food described here want to make a couple shakes. The first shake is one cup milk, one cup water, one scoop protein powder. Drink 15 minutes before your workout, or even sip during. Right after your workout, make another shake, except add a banana (small).

If you eat basically like this, you will eat between 3800-4500 calories per day. You have to eat like this every single day; if you miss days your body will not receive the full benefits of the nutrition. It may seem like a lot of food, but it's not as hard as you think as it's spread throughout the day and you only eat smaller meals. You will gain a little fat along with the muscle, which is inevitable; once you have reached your target weight plus a couple pounds, reduce the calories a little and it'll come off. You'll get strong extremely quickly with this plan.

Also remember to sleep properly each night for a minimum of eight hours, and to refrain from smoking or drinking too much. Since you're young, you shouldn't do those anyways. To maximize muscle gain, do compound exercises like squats, deadlifts, pullups. Alse bench press and full situps, and stretch properly. You'll gain a lot more power a lot faster like this. Good luck, I've been there.
Good carb sources: oats, brown rice, whole wheat bread/pasta, veggies, fruits
Good protein sources: chicken, turkey, beef, pork, eggs, whey, milk, cheese, fish
Good fat sources: all nuts, olive oil, fish oil, flax oil, animal fats

Play around with and put together some meals, like 4-6 to eat during the day. You will not have any problem putting together 3000-4000 calories to eat during a day.