Weight-Loss How to eat healthy...



New member
Hi, well, I decided I'm finally just going to start, but before I start, I need to ask a few questions.

How am I supposed to eat healthy when there is nothing healthy? like, i'm sure theres healthy stuff at my house to eat, but not much. We are having money problems and subside to cheap junk food. What can I do to still lose weight/eating healthy etc.?

I'm 13.
If there are any fruit or veg about that is a great choice.

You may like to drop the following suggestions into conversation with your parents... Fruit and veg is often marked down in supermarkets when it is going out of date - so you can get some great bargains for eating over the next day or two. Market stalls sometimes let people have fruit and veg cheaply towards the end of the day. Try to see if a fruit and veg wholesaler is willing to sell to the general public - you can get some amazing bargains there.

Things like baked beans are a great choice too - and I dont know about there - but they are not too expensive here.

Generally - read sticky threads in this nutrition section - and then you will know healthy stuff when you see it.
Good advice from Omega there! I would like to add that exercise is free and the best place to start for weight loss! Also, don't drink pop, not even diet...go water only!
It is hard when you're reliant upon your parents or family for what you eat.

Can you talk about eating healthier with your folks? Maybe offer to do some cooking for the family - it's a great way to show responsibility as well. :)

There are lots of good, inexpensive sources of nutrition. Things like beans, lentils, brown rice, are good staples. I also agree that if you watch sales on produce, you can get some good things cheap.

And like Korrie said, drinking water instead of soda or juice will make a big difference in losing weight. Also, really start paying attention to portion sizes - for a lot of people eating too much is a problem. And for a lot of us, years of being subjected to restaurant portions and "super size" ads, has made us not aware of what a REAL portion size is. See if you can measure your food out until you can judge better. That also helps a lot of people. :)
Like Kara mentioned, your portions are going to be important here, especially if the available food isn't of the healthy variety. Though eating healthy is ideal, it still comes down to calories in vs calories out. I'm not saying throw healthy eating out the window here, but even when your only option in a meal that in considered unhealthy, you can still eat within the caloric deficit needed to lose the fat.

With that said though, the advice you've been given in this thread is great. Try speaking with your folks about it. If that fails, and you're stuck with whatever they give you, just do everything you can to eat within your caloric goal.

And of course, exercise.