Weight-Loss How to drop 7lbs in a month



New member
Hello, just updating my badly phrased question that I posted a few days ago. I am 5'5 and weigh 130-131 lbs but wish to lost about 7lbs. I go to the gym 4 times a week...here's my routine (it's the same for every day):

20 min cycle on level 4
6 min on cross-trainer on level 3
1000 metre row on level 10

15 mins in total of weights


Here's an example of one day of my eating:

7:15 am: Bowl of honey loops (300 cals)
11:00: Chicken salad sandwich (395 cals)
2:00: Pineapple (45 cals) and a snack bar (90 cals)
5:15: Bowl of bran flakes (350-400 cals)
8:00: A frankfurter (75 cals)


How can I drop 7lbs quickly? My body seems to have stopped losing weight...unless it's doing it really slowly...:s
You might change up your exercise routine. Your body gets used to doing the same thing over and over again. Try thowing in some extra cardio (15-20 mins a day) and see if that helps or try doing intervals.

Hope this helps!

I go to the gym 4 times a week...here's my routine (it's the same for every day):

Switch things up. Don't do the same routine every workout. IMO 15 minutes of weight isnt enough. Try swapping days between cardio and resistance. Steve has a great work-out in the exercise forum and I posted a beginners weight program a few days ago as well.
20 min cycle on level 4
6 min on cross-trainer on level 3
1000 metre row on level 10
Kick it up. Try 20 minutes on level 5 or 6. Mix in some 10 second "bursts" of intensity. On a diet note, I think you can find a better use for those 700 calories than breakfast cereal. Eat some protein! At 5'5 130 it will be slow I would bet if you balance your diet a little more and up the intensity in those workouts. You will see some improvements.
Interval training is always a great "fat buster" routine to mix in with your cardio. You can also do intervals with your weight lifting by doing alternating sets and limited "rest" periods.

Also, when you row, make sure your back is completely straight and you are sucking in your tummy. Sometimes form can make such a difference and work different parts of your body.