How to Develop my Max Strength and Powe?

I am 14 (just turned 14 about 2 weeks ago) and I want to increase my Max Strength and Power for a variety of reasons (boxing, martial arts etc I'm into almost anything that involves fighting and stuff) although all the articles and info that I find on Max Strength development involve doing 1RMs and well I don't think it'd be good for my growth. Things I do about everyday, alternating, are pull-ups (I can do about 10-12 reps), chin-ups (14-17 reps), push-ups (about 35), I also try jogging almost daily.

So to sum all up how can I increase my Max Strength and Power without having negative secondary effects on my growing body?

Oh and all the reps I counted are done with the full motion and perfect form (although the last reps might take me longer I maintain good form)

I am 5.3" and weight 120-123lbs so I really wouldn't wanna mess up my growing considering I am not very tall myself.
I hope I don't sound like a spambot, but have you heard of "Starting Strength" by Mark Rippetoe? If you haven't, look it up and get the book. It'll cost you about $30, but it teaches you how to safely and correctly do the basic strength and power exercises, with a chapter each dedicated to the Squat, Bench Press, Deadlift, Overhead Press, and Power Clean. It also includes exercise programming using those lifts, and recommends pull ups/chin ups and dips as assistance exercises (the only reason push ups aren't in the book is because you can't add weight to them very efficently, but you could keep doing push ups, too). To do the exercise program, you will need access to an Olympic standard barbell, a full set of weight discs, and plenty of food. The exercise program doesn't involve 1RM's. It does involve drinking plenty of milk on top of a diet rich in meat, fruit and vegetables. And it is largely intended to teenage boys starting out, seeking to significantly increase their strength. Provided you train safe and don't sacrifice form to complete a rep, and you consume all the calories your growing body needs, you shouldn't have any trouble with growth plate injuries.