Weight-Loss How to control food cravings?



New member
Can anyone give me tips on how to control food cravings? I feel like I'm compelled to eat sometimes.
Thanks in advance for you advices!!
There's many things you can, do, but I suggest starting with this basic plan:
Start by knowing how many calories you need.
For me, this would be 3000 = max, 2400 good for weight loss.
Then eat small meals. I will shoot for around 1500-2000 calories day.
Drink water with and between meals.
Then, if and when you get hungry, you'll have extra room in your diet for extra food.
If I have 2000 in a day, I can "screw up" to an extra 1000 calories.
Honestly, I really don't have more than 2 full meals in a day, but when I'm doing things right, I'm snacking on healthy stuff 2-3 times.
i chew gum or drink water cuz i could just be thirsty or just looking for something to keep my mouth moving.

but honestly cravings are psychological so to control them you have to tell yourself "no" until your brain catches on ;]
what sort of food are you craving? I find that it's a lot eaiser not to crave something if its not in the house. Try asking yourself if you're really hungry, and have healthier snacks like a bit of fruit or some sliced pepper or something. Also I think sometimes its ok to treat yourself, but just don't have as much as you usually would, and enjoy it. :)
1.Avoid your triggers.
2.Destroy temptation.
3.Go nuts.
4.Take a power nap.
5.Get minty fresh.
6.Distract yourself.
7.Indulge yourself -- within limits.
8.Plan or avoid.
(spam removed)
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One thing that has helped for me was to drink plenty of water when I felt like snacking too much. Always keep it close by you even when you are away from home.
cheat every now and then but not too much. sometimes i crave chinese food like crazy so i would order some but right when i get it, i put half on a plate and then throw the rest away. i know i need to throw it away because i know that if i just leave the other half in the kitchen, i will just eat it when im done with my plate.
Don't consume all your calories too early in the day. Also, try filling up on something like watermelon or some kind of green vegetable, like green beans or a zuchini stir-fry or something. It'll stop the stomach rumbling. I also like the 100-cal. microwave popcorn bags, which I spray butter-flavored Pam on for more flavor. :lurk5: Weight Watchers also has 100-cal. toffee bars, which are like Igloo bars - a chocolate shell over vanilla ice cream. :angel: Just watch out that you control your servings. They satisfy my sweet tooth.
Depending on your preference to the food you like here is some stuff I keep in my house for when i get hungry:

Seafood Sticks
Cherry Tomatoes

Like mentioned above if you wipe out the rubbish in your cupboards and replace it with good stuff your not going to be doing bad if you eat it!
I know this question is a little old but I hope someone finds this post useful.

I find having very consistent eating times makes my cravings go away. When I eat my breakfast at 7:30, my lunch at 12, and my dinner at 6 I never have any trouble with regards to cravings. My body knows what's coming and it does need anything else!

Also if you find you can't stop cravings, buy some healthy snack alternatives. Instead of trying to resist them completely replace the unhealthy foods with some carrots. I find carrots a great snack for getting through a craving or just a hungry point in the day.
I know this question is a little old but I hope someone finds this post useful.

I find having very consistent eating times makes my cravings go away. When I eat my breakfast at 7:30, my lunch at 12, and my dinner at 6 I never have any trouble with regards to cravings. My body knows what's coming and it does need anything else!

Also if you find you can't stop cravings, buy some healthy snack alternatives. Instead of trying to resist them completely replace the unhealthy foods with some carrots. I find carrots a great snack for getting through a craving or just a hungry point in the day.

I envy people who can do this - replace unhealthy foods with a carrot.

Uhm...yeah. Great idea. But I don't want a carrot. I want chocolate. A carrot is not going to do anything about the chocolate craving, because it is not about eating 'something'...it's about chocolate (or any other 'crave-food' of choice). So that never works for me.

For me, the way to get a grip on cravings is not to have the stuff in the house that I crave. If what I want is not there, I won't eat anything.

As for eating at certain times - I wish I could, but my life doesn't even allow me to sit down for meals - I eat whenever I get a moment's peace (usually when I am at the computer), because I don't know when I'll get the next chance.
I envy people who can do this - replace unhealthy foods with a carrot.

Uhm...yeah. Great idea. But I don't want a carrot. I want chocolate. A carrot is not going to do anything about the chocolate craving, because it is not about eating 'something'...it's about chocolate (or any other 'crave-food' of choice). So that never works for me.

For me, the way to get a grip on cravings is not to have the stuff in the house that I crave. If what I want is not there, I won't eat anything.

As for eating at certain times - I wish I could, but my life doesn't even allow me to sit down for meals - I eat whenever I get a moment's peace (usually when I am at the computer), because I don't know when I'll get the next chance.

It's about planning. If you put yourself in a position where a healthy snack is readily available to you, it's a lot easier to choose it. Choosing a healthy snack when you're hungry/craving is going to be very difficult for anyone, including myself. Having the snack prepared in advance to you getting hungry/craving helps a lot.
It's about planning. If you put yourself in a position where a healthy snack is readily available to you, it's a lot easier to choose it. Choosing a healthy snack when you're hungry/craving is going to be very difficult for anyone, including myself. Having the snack prepared in advance to you getting hungry/craving helps a lot.

Not having anything there at all helps me even more....rather than 'wasting' calories on something that I don't want, I'll rather wait and have something later that I actually like. It doesn't matter how readily the snack is available...the clear message my brain and my body give me are 'DO NOT WANT'. I know it's weird, but I'd rather go hungry than eat something I don't like.
Why not have healthy snacks that you do like then? :p

I like carrots as a snack, not as much as chips of course, but they'll do most days.
Why not have healthy snacks that you do like then? :p

I like carrots as a snack, not as much as chips of course, but they'll do most days.

Honest answer? Because I'm picky and a pain in the backside when it comes to food. There are very few fruits and vegetables I'll eat, and anything that peeps call 'healthy' is stuff I won't touch. I think the healthiest I've come in regards to snacks is nuts/almonds, but it always seems such a high amount of calories for so little to munch on....*sigh*