Sport How to cheat.

Sport Fitness
Hey guys, im currently following a diet and a routine (Its posted up in My Log) . This saturday I am going out with my grandma and my girlfriend to eat. Im probably gonna eat a ****load of carbs and protein... posibly some fat too... (Its an all you can eat buffet of chinese food... kicks ass). So how do I deal with this cheat day? Please keep in mind my routine and diet... Thanks in advance!
You're enjoy it :)
try to eat the more healthy stuff if you can...beef and broccoli...stuff with veggies.
but enjoy the soups and egg rolls and crab rangoon (my favorite). cheat meals, done correctly, are beneficial, especially on a bulk.
Well Im really gonna enjoy that meal... Been looking forward to it since summer... Its a restaurant out of town, so I dont get to go there much :p
Definitly will... They have all kinds of chicken (BBQ, HONEY, SESAME, Sweet and Sour) They have porkchops, oh man... that place is just awesome... :D And anyway, that day is also ab + light cardio day so im going to do a bit of workout anyway...
My understanding of a cheat meal is just go nuts - if you're already on a good clean diet, you know what you should be consuming - target the veges and proteins. But the point of a cheat meal is to stop counting calories for a meal and just go to town.
NOt sure, my current goal is clean bulk... Perhaps start a thread?