How to build mucle and get fit.

I am a 5 ft 9 teen weighing about 158 pounds and have body fat of 13.52%.

I have little muscle and am looking to get fit for the football season and also bulid muscle. What should I do achieve this. I would like to be a wide reciever or a running back!
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You sound a little short to be a WR, but a running back is a definite possibility. I would look into a good diet (read some stickies here), a good upper/lower or full body routine (again stickies) and most importantly speed training (plyos, sprints, etc).
You will need a good diet of Protein, Fish, Steaks, Chicken (not fried crap) but dont have it fried... Grilled or Oven cooked and low(ish) carbs, Rice, Potatoes, Chips, Bread etc. Obviously you need to eat the carbs to keep body mass up!!. Work on building upper body stretgh AND lower body strength with body weight excercises (Pull-ups, Chin Ups, Sit Ups, Squats, Crunches, Lunges). When you go for your runs (assuming you do) break them up with various distances and chuck some sprinting in every now and then. The sprinting is what your going to need....
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better shape

You should have heavy diet and more exercise as well. Running plays an important role to develop your muscles and better shape in your body. Sometimes you should have constant running like military training that is highly supportable to achieve such the things.