How to build Endurance & Speed ?!

Hi Everyone

Im a 20 year old whos really into soccer, but recently ive been facing a problem that is stopping my growth as a player on the feild.

The problem is that I have a problem playing the whole 90 mins with the same pace, and by pace I mean I get outta breath.

As a player I have a slow start & later build speed, and I have a problem with weight shifting (move from one direction to another, cause I stop and my start slows me down).

What I want to know is how can I get around the problems that im facing?

How can I build endurace to make me last the whole 90mins?
How can I increase my start speed?
How can I gain the abilty to change direction without having to have a slow start?

Im 20 yrs
171 cm tall
76 Kg

During a 90 mins match I never give up running but fatique always catches up with me. Need help to be of value to my team.

Hope you people can help me out.

Endurance and speed work are 2 different workouts. You can do them on alternating days. Most people can't handle speed work more than one day a week, so they incorporate more endurance work or strength drills. For you agility, there are numerous drills to help with that.

Speed work


Thanx . . .

Thanx for all those articles, but can u somehow help me outin makin a weekly schedule?

To improve all 3?

If u could that'll be of great help !

Thanks u again for what uve already done for me!
Look at the 3rd article under speed work. There is a basic layout of a weekly plan. Just plug in your own distances for the LSD (long run) and try to keep up with the original speed work. It will be hard, but do your best. Don't worry about not being able to complete everything it says, just do what you can and you will see improvements.
It may sound stupid. . .

Hi Again

Well, to be honest im not so fimilar with Running terminology, for Example LSD.
what is it exactly.

Can you explain that to me if u dont mind?

The intervals im fimilar with, where u Jog for a certain distance or mins then run/sprint for a certain distance or mins, After that u repeat the cycle.

Am I right?

Thanx youve been GREAT
You are correct about the sprints. You can even walk back to the start instead of jogging if you wish.

LSD = Long Slow Distance. This is your long run. The length is dependant on the abilities of each individual. For instance, my LSDs are 10 miles, yours may be 3 miles. With these runs your goal is simply to put miles in. You will want to keep you heart rate down (intensity) on these runs.
Thanx Man . . . .

I've started today with the schedule given, I have done about 3 miles (LSD) on Tuesday, Should I rest the Intervals on Wednesday or Rest & do em on Thursday?!?!

Thanx Again!
It's up to you. Listen to your body. If you are a little sore, then take a day off. If you feel strong, and believe that your run will go well, then do it. The main thing is to listen to your body. Don't train sore, and if you do, go easy.
Update . . .

Hey man . . .

This is what I have done up to date.

Tuesday: LSD (3 MILES)

Wednesday: Intervals (Wasnt as easy as I thought, I ended up joging after the first Sprint, Its something like Walk Sprint Walk Jog walk Jog etc . . .
Is that Normal?! as a first timer?

On thursday I got a soccer match, so should I do my LSD or should I just play on that day?

Friday Got a soccer match as well.

Interval training is great for building speed!

I can attest to using interval training to help build speed and endurance.

I completed one marathon with little speed work, and am currently training for a half-marathon.

This time around, my training group has incorporated intervals into one run each week. We started with 30 second intervals, with 30 second rest periods, and have ramped up by 15 to 30 seconds each week.

I have shaved at least 30 seconds per mile off of my "comfortable" running pace and rocketed through a 7 mile run last weekend with literally no effort. Truly, I sprinted the last 10 minutes.

Intervals are gruesome to do by yourself, so I would highly recommend looking for a training partner!

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