Sport How to avoid the usual "lapse"

Sport Fitness
I am not on a strict diet or anything but for the past 3-4 months, I have been eating fairly well, like no chips or ice cream or anything of that nature at all. Usually limited unhealthy foods like pizza, fast hood, croissants, etc. to just 2 times a week (best I could do right now, trust me). But twice in those 3-4 months I have just been on a weekend rampage where I have eaten like 10 slices of pizza, went through half a bag of chips, and ate 4 croissants not to mention drank 3 chocolate milks. CALORIES GALORE!

How do I avoid this from happening?, like mental tips you could share with me, after this weekend I feel like all my working out and cardio were wasted cause of a weekend that I couldnt control myself. I dont want my belly to increase in size again I already have made good progress on this wretched belly.

Or am I just making too much of a big deal out of this?
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sometimes I feel the same like cheating with junk food .... what has worked for me is the 6-8 meals a day, you dont have to strictly eat carb protein etc etc .. sometimes I am lazy and just eat fruits. apple straberries etc

and if you can try to keep this 6-8 meals a day every day .. perhaps you could replace the pizza and specially the fast food !!! It has worked for me ...

.... also I keep my mind occupied, do hw, study, go to the beach or do some track and field. If there is nothing to do I go to bookstore to read magazines .. could spend all afternoon there :p :p

good luck !
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:eek: That all sounds delicious!

I think that this would help you. You go on a rampage with food, then you just feel so bad about it that you don't do it for a while, and even eat healthier than before (I know it's happened to me)

Also, like willfred said, if you structure out your meals and evenly space them out throughout the day, there will be no need for you to just binge on junk. Trust me, having a structured daily eating routine will work wonders for you. Just try it.
May i also suggest drinking LOTS of water, i'm 99.9% sure it's impossible to drink to much lol. Sometimes thirst is mistaken for hunger. This may not be the case for you, but drinking water CAN help some people feel full between the 6-8 meals a day.

Also it's obviously important to stay well hydrated throughout the day no matter what your gains. Your urine should be a "white wine" colour if you are properly hydrated, or so i read online lol.

Lucky for me i work in an office but eating at my desk is totally permitted so i can eat at any time of the day in work, which makes the week days go smoother. Weekends i usually travel to see my girlfriend (70 miles :-( lol), thats when i'm more likely to "cheat" on my diet, but i'm very good at keeping it under control now :) .
I agree with DanHarris on drinking lots of water. You should be doing this anyway since your body needs plenty of it per day.

But anyway, if you really cannot avoid these foods, I'm sure there are ways to limit the impact they have on you. Like with Pizza, squeeze a napkin on top of it to remove all that grease...or with the fast food, eat just the sandwich and don't order french fries. Little things like this can add up well.

If you're at home, try to stock up on good foods. I've tricked myself into becoming "addicted" to healthy things or good things. I've gotten to a point that I prefer oatmeal over a bowl of chocolate cocoa puffs. The more that I stayed away from bad foods, the more I didn't care for them. Now that I'm in college, I see all the pizza, soda, hamburgers, hot dogs, and french fries...and make a beeline for the grilled chicken and salad. I guess it's a matter of motivation and self-control.

It's a tough game, you just gotta prove you're tougher :)
I am not on a strict diet or anything but for the past 3-4 months, I have been eating fairly well, like no chips or ice cream or anything of that nature at all. Usually limited unhealthy foods like pizza, fast hood, croissants, etc. to just 2 times a week (best I could do right now, trust me). But twice in those 3-4 months I have just been on a weekend rampage where I have eaten like 10 slices of pizza, went through half a bag of chips, and ate 4 croissants not to mention drank 3 chocolate milks. CALORIES GALORE!

How do I avoid this from happening?, like mental tips you could share with me, after this weekend I feel like all my working out and cardio were wasted cause of a weekend that I couldnt control myself. I dont want my belly to increase in size again I already have made good progress on this wretched belly.

Or am I just making too much of a big deal out of this?

How many calories are you eating during the week? Perhaps your diet is a bit too strict.
I have a weird way of thinking that may help you avoid these "lapses" you speak of.

I have heard from alot of people say things like "I love junk food, I'm only human you know!", and I smile everytime I hear stuff like that because I then joke to myself "hey, that means I'm not human".

I do not eat any junk anymore, I am bulking and I used to take in 1 muffin 1 day a week as my only junk type food, now everything I eat is clean. It feels so freaking good eating clean, the mere thought of ingesting for example a muffin or a pop tart literally makes me feel depressed.

Eating clean is nirvana.
I have a weird way of thinking that may help you avoid these "lapses" you speak of.

I have heard from alot of people say things like "I love junk food, I'm only human you know!", and I smile everytime I hear stuff like that because I then joke to myself "hey, that means I'm not human".

I do not eat any junk anymore, I am bulking and I used to take in 1 muffin 1 day a week as my only junk type food, now everything I eat is clean. It feels so freaking good eating clean, the mere thought of ingesting for example a muffin or a pop tart literally makes me feel depressed.

Eating clean is nirvana.
At times I wish that I could say that... But then again, I sometimes think the same as you when people ask me "How can you eat all that nasty stuff?".

Easiest question in the world... Eating eggs, meats, vegetables, fruits, milk, etc. is actually what we were designed to eat rather than sugar loaded candy bars with all artificial ingredients. Some people annoy me... :D
How many calories are you eating during the week? Perhaps your diet is a bit too strict.

I dont really calculate the calories but I do know for a fact that my diet is FAR from strict, I basically eat bagels or muffins in the morning, sandwhich for lunch, and chicken or steak with white rice for supper.

And I am not going for a cut body or a six pack or anything like that (I am going more for mass), that is why I dont feel depressed when I swallow down a muffin as Iwillgetripped does.
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And I am not going for a cut body or a six pack or anything like that (I am going more for mass), that is why I dont feel depressed when I swallow down a muffin as Iwillgetripped does.
All dirty bulking is going to to do is put dirty mass (fat) with a little muscle. If that's your goal, then so be it but when I bulk my goal it to put lean, dry mass on which main factor will come from clean eating.
Hey LV, could you list down what your diet and nutrition is like, just so I could get a feel for a nice, clean diet?