How to ACTUALLY lose weight! Let's chat!

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Trevor Wallace

New member
Bear with me on this one--I promise it's worth your time.

My name is Trevor and I am 24 years old. I began my weight loss journey about 5 years ago when I was still in college. I really did think the freshman 15 was a myth...that is until it hit me....and hit me hard. I had been an athlete up until college but I still was in only mediocre shape. Once college rolled around and the dining hall "buffet" and beer became more readily available, I put on a lot of weight. Without even realizing it, I ended my freshman year at 210 lbs!

I took a long, hard look at myself and decided to commit myself to getting in the best shape of my life! And I do stress that this is a commitment and not something you can do for a day or two. That being said, the methods I used are truly sustainable and enjoyable!

I prowled the internet and was overwhelmed with all the information I found (and the thousands of over-priced programs). I am going to be completely honest when I say that I was spinning my tires for about 6 months trying to make sense of it all.....Not to mention the almost $1,000 I threw away into weight loss pills and programs that did absolutely nothing.

Today, I am happy to say that I am in the absolute best shape of my life and I couldn't be happier. With a regimented diet and training plan, I was able to get my weight down to 155 and I've been helping my friends ever since.

I just know how happy and more confident I am now and how lost I was before....I wish I had someone who worked with me and broke everything down. I look at where I was and where I am now and there are no words to express how much better I feel, in all aspects of life.

Please reach out to me and I will work with you! I believe everyone is entitled to feel amazing about themselves. both inside and out!

I am willing to review your current body composition and help formulate a diet AND exercise plan that you can stick to FOR GOOD and that's actually fun! I truly want to help!

Lets Chat! Link removed
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Welcome Trevor!

Your link was probably removed because we get a lot of spam here. But if you are not selling anything, and want to be a part of our group welcome to you!
Morning Trevor, I'd love to know what you followed to get to your ideal weight! I dropped a lot of weight last year, and was the lowest I'd ever been 131lbs, and for a 5ft 5 girl I looked really gaunt in my face! (The diet I would call a break-up diet!) Anyway, I slowly got back to being healthy, working out and eating good meals. Now at this moment I've spiked upto 140lbs and I CANNOT budge whatever I do. I've also taken inches aswell and still no difference. I'm eating good, exercising a lot and not drinking any alcohol! My weight gathers around my stomach, I've always had rolls and always will have, but they're becoming uncomfortable for me to look at and I'm beginning to hate my body! Please help!
.... Your body burns a certain number of calories in a day just by existing. You will lose weight if you consume fewer calories than that amount....
not necessarily. i could take two people, give them exactly the same thing to eat every day, have them exercise the same amount but by setting different times of the meals each one eats, one would lose weight and one would not. there is more to nutrition and weight control than merely counting calories.
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