How the heck do you start jogging?


New member
The title says it all. I've always wanted to jog (or so I am delusionally apt to believe). I don't even know how to get started. I've read a lot about it over the internet. You know...start by running one minute, walk one, and repeat for a half hour or so. Then each week they up the ante even more. I have tried it and been like "holy crap are you crazy I can't even do what you expected in the first week".

I am curious on how you "real people" out there have gotten started. I keep seeing on this forum how lots of people (a lot of whom are even bigger than me) jog regularly, so I am starting to think that I am a big wuss. Any tips for people starting from scratch?
You just have to take your time and do what YOU can do. If you cant jog for 1 minute try 30 seconds and then walk until you are able to jog again after 30 seconds stop and then walk. As the weeks go by add on to the time that you are jogging and cut down on the time that you are walking.
I started by walking. Walk walk walk. When you're really good at walking, walk faster. Once you're able to walk a couple miles at a decent pace, if you feel like jogging, switch to a jog. When you feel like walking, switch back to a walk.

I've always been a good walker, but even at this relatively light weight, jogging is still really hard on my knees and hips. I can maintain a 10-11 minute pace for more than a mile (and as much as 2.5 miles if the weather is right) without hurting, but going any faster just causes pain. I have noticed that the weather makes a big difference in how far I can jog. Temperature / humidity / wind make more of a difference than whether I'm on a flat or hilly path, for instance.
Go to and check out the couch to 5K plan...

you can also download to an MP3 player from Itunes the podcast for it..

I haven't motivated my lazy butt to do it yet, but it's one of the best learn to run plans out there.. it combines walking with running so that you eventually will be able to run a 5K... over an 8 week period..

the trick is you have to start somewhere and eventually your endurance and speed build up.

When i first started walking - a 24 minute mile was a challenge -now - I can walk a mile in under 13 minutes.. just takes time... and you have to start.. don't psych yourself out before you begin...
When I tried I did a walk/jog/walk/jog. I'd walk for 1/4 mile and then try to job 1/4 of a mile (at first I couldn't do that) but I built it up. Now I don't jog anymore, I just power walk. Sometimes I walk faster then some of the joggers, I also go longer. Jogging and my knees aren't cooperating.
When I started working out I actually started on the elliptical b/c I have a herniated disc in my back and I thought that would be lower impact. I could barely swing 10 minutes w/o thinking I was going to DIE! In addition to praying for death, I could barely do 50 RPMs. Now I can go for over a 1/2 hour (although I limit it to that due to time constraints) and at 75-80 RPMs.

When I got to that point, I decided that I wanted to try running (my training partner always ran while I did the elliptical and I was always oddly facinated by it, so I asked him to help me). The first time I ran I did 10 minutes starting out really slow and progressing to a 'normal' speed (for a turtle maybe). I did that a few times and then one time I just decided to see how long I could go before needing a break. Fifteen minutes. But then I walked for a few minutes and ran for another 10. After doing that I can now run for 30 minutes (still at a slower pace) but at least I don't have to stop anymore.

Like everyone else here is saying, it is an individul thing, trying to 'learn' to around w/the methodology and you will find what works best for you.

As they say,

A journey of a thousand miles starts with the first step (or something like that) :seeya:
Great advice everyone:) It's such common sense. Sometimes, that what we need...people to be the nagging little voice inside our heads! Just get off your butt and do it.

Mal, I think you summed it up...I need to stop psyching myself out before I begin.

Then, its a matter of learning how to pace myself. When I used to have a treadmill it was a lot more straightforward to set a pace and maintain it. Without a treadmill, its a little more difficult. I can see how "practice makes perfect". With experience, I guess I'll get a feel for what my body will and will not put up with.

I agree with the advice to walk, walk, walk. It seems like a really good place to start. I need to get it through my head that walking isn't just for making it from point A to point B!

Thanks Everyone!
Techniques to Start Running

I prefer these two techniques to start running.

1. Technique
First week you take 20 min.
run 2 min
walk 3 min
- do this four times

Run 3 times during the first week

Second week you take 20min again
run 3 min
walk 2 min
- do this four times

Run 3 times during the second week

Third week you take 20 min again
run 4 min
walk 1 min
- do this four times

Run 3 times during the third week

Fourth week you take 20 min again
run the entire time
Run three times the fourth week

From there you can go to 30 min, 40 min and so on. Just increase slowly or break it up into intervals again. Or leave it at 20 min and develop a habit of running daily.

2. Method to start running.
Run for as long as you can. If that is five minutes, run for five minutes.
Next time run the exact same amount of time. Now your body is used to running this long.
Third run, increase the time, push yourself a little longer.
Fourth run, run the same time that you ran on the third time so that your body gets used to it.
Move on like this until you are at your goal time.

What I like to do personally is always finish with a little sprint. Even if you feel like dying force a couple steps in there. That will give you a little boost and leave you excited. You will be more likely to come back to running again. If you run with a friend, do a little race at the end. It will be awesome. Somebody get the oxygen.