How should i take creatine


Hey guys, i just bought my first bottle of creatine, its called interactive. It says to take 5 gram (1 teaspoon) aday with empty stomach. Should i take half b4 workout and half after workout?? how long does it take for it to kick in??
mines take 5g in the morning and 5g after workout or in the afternoon so im guessin it wouldnt matter. when you take it after its to stop muscle size decreasing
Hmmm a creatine question. Very unusual around here. Creatine should be taken post workout. Just to let you know, there is a lot of good info on this board. It is sometimes to your advantage to use the search at the top of this page to see if the topic you are questioning has been covered already. I only say that because we hear a lot of the same questions over and over and I think members get frustrated sometimes and do not bother to answer them. If peeps would do a search first about their concern and are not satisfied or are confused about what they find, then I'm sure we will all be willing to help we can. I apologize if this sounds rude. it is not meant to be. Good luck with your goals.
I usually take mine before and I've experienced great success with it (gained about 8 pounds).. there seems to be a debate about which way is better.

I'm surprised no one has mentioned taking it with grape juice.. that's a big part of it.
i didnt think it really mattered when you took it before or after. you take it before it enables you to lift more, after stops your muscles reducing too much in really matter
I think a lot of you don't understand what creatine does. creatine increases your ability to use energy in the muscles. it doesn't make you bigger, it doesn't make you simply unlocks your natural potential by allowing you to utilize the stored energy more effectively.

you don't need a sugar transport (grape juice).

creatine also isn't 'instantly' taking it immediately before working out doesn't mean you're gonna have a better workout.
In fact, AFTER your workout, the muscles inthe body are craving nutrients like protein, carbs (in the form of glycogen), as well as creatine and amino acids.

so if you add 5g of creatine to your post workout shake, you're golden.
I wouldn't take it with your protein or anything. Take it by itself to help with absorbtion, especially if you're taking around 3-4 grams, which is optimal. Don't go over 5/day. Take it whenever the hell you want, just take it every day. You'll find people saying before, and after, and studies for both.. Don't look too far into it.
1980, I like how your last creatine post was "last question about creatine"...but then this one showed up, haha, it's no big deal, just made me laugh