I was about to start a new topic on this matter but decided to follow this one instead since my questions are related.
To give a short background story:
I am starting a diet with exercise, going to the gym 6x a week.
In the gym usually I start by using the treadmill for about 20/30min before jumping into weigh lifting and before leaving the gym I use again the treadmill. Now, I don't run, I just fast walk (almost running pace) because that's the pace that I can hold from start to finish. I don't last lost running, I am a bad runner. Before 5 minutes I feel like I really need to stop at least to breathe properly.
Last year I was running everyday to loose weight and I would have to run as long as I could (it would be less than 5 minutes), then walk until I feel that I was ok to back to run.
In my situation, which some people might be able to relate to, any advice?