Sport how much ???

Sport Fitness
mk heres my problem tomorow afternoon i go on a school camp for a couple of days ... the food they r giving us is GROSS and full of fat, ive been there before and couldnt stand to even look at it.. breakfast fat they like to call bacon and processed egg, lunch some ****ty fake meat pattie in a white roll with a bita salad, dinner oily fish and oily chips... should i not eat it and take my own food?? how much do you think it will have impact on my diet???
ewwwww lol dont wanna think bout it :( lol tnx
well you're only going for a couple of days. I suggest taking some food with you though, just in case you decide to refuse it and are hungry later.
You'd have to take alot of food if you did. Isn't there any shops near by you could sneak of to? And personally I wouldn't eat the food. If there was no alternative i'd refuse to go.
yeah nah there is no shops near by ... yeah ill take food.. i dont eat that much normally so shood b ok :) thanks i didnt know if i was just bein picky lol
yeah just take like little snacky things.