Sport How much water?

Sport Fitness
I have seen so many different opinions on how much water to drink, so help me out.

I am 25, 190 lbs. 5'10" - i do a 20 minute jog, 30 min - 45 min "intense" workout routine.

How much water should I be consuming in a day?
personally, i go for one gallon a day. some recomendations start around 96 ounces a day.
I count bathroom trips as cardio!!!:D :D :D

I'm a voice teacher so I drink a gallon and half to 2 gallons a day when I teach and train. And I usaully pee 20 times...
Judecca said:
I get 5-6 large glasses per day, it's the most I can handle without going to the bathroom every 10 minutes.

The same 5-6 glasses, but I have no problems with the bathroom :)

Actually I've neard we should drink 5lb of water per a day, and these 5lb include not only water, but liquid food and drinks.
Don't make it too complicated when it doesn't have to be. You should have clear pee all day unless your supplements color it, and in that case the color should remain consistent. Drink a glass of room temp water before workout and every 20min during, even while running. Drink 2 full glasses before bed. You'll have to wake up to pee, but your body needs the water for it's recovery phase.
kinda sorta

A study by a team of German researchers also shows that drinking cold water could make a small contribution to weight loss by speeding up your metabolic rate [11].

In the study, metabolic rates of both men and women increased by 30% after they consumed 500-milliliters of cold water. The increase occurred within 10 minutes of consumption and reached a maximum after about 35 minutes. Much of the thermogenic effect came from the body warming the water from 22 to 37° Celsius.

During the first 40 minutes, the rate at which fat was being burned for energy increased in both men (+100%) and women (+50%). For the next 30 minutes, the rate of fat oxidation remained elevated in men, whereas it dropped back to normal in women.

After 90 minutes, fat oxidation was still elevated in men, whereas it decreased below baseline values in women.

Unfortunately, the practical implications of this study aren't very clear.

Early in the paper, the authors write, "drinking 2 liters of water per day would augment energy expenditure by approximately 400 kilojoules [96 calories]."

This means that 500-milliliters of water would increase the metabolic rate by about 24 calories.

However, near the end of the paper, they write, "increasing water ingestion by 1.5 liters would augment daily energy expenditure by approximately 200 kilojoules [48 calories]."

This means that 500-milliliters of water would increase the metabolic rate by only 16 calories.

The reason for this eight-calorie discrepancy isn't explained.

If we err on the side of caution and use the smaller figure, drinking at least 1.5 liters of cold water each day has the potential to increase your metabolic rate by around 200 kilojoules [48 calories]. Over the course of one year, energy expenditure would increase by 73,000 kilojoules (365 days x 200 kilojoules = 73,000). That's about 17,400 calories, or the equivalent of five pounds of fat.

Of course, the trial was small and the results are only preliminary.

Subjects in the study didn't eat for over 12 hours before being tested. How would a stomach full of food affect the results? Is it necessary to drink 500-milliliters of water to raise the metabolic rate, or would you get the same results with smaller amounts of water consumed more frequently? And we still don't know if a short-term rise in the metabolic rate will translate to greater long-term fat loss.
Drinking too much water can lead to a potentially fatal condition called hyponatremia (pronounced hypo-nat-reem-ee-ah) — a disorder in fluid-electrolyte balance that results in low levels of sodium in the blood.

Dr. Tim Noakes, Professor of Exercise and Sports Science at the University of Cape Town, suggests that hyponatremia can be prevented by consuming no more than 900 milliliters of fluid per hour either at rest, during exercise, or during the post-exercise recovery period.
You can also avoid hyponatremia by consuming a small amount of sodium (salt).

Hyponatremia is a life threatening condition that occurs when runners drink an excessive amount of fluids and fail to replace sodium (salt) lost in the form of sweat. Runners out on the course for four hours or longer are particularly at risk. Overzealous drinkers who drink lots of water in the days before their run, and then continue to drink excessively along the course, also may risk Hyponatremia. Hyponatremia can lead to nausea, fatigue, vomiting, weakness, sleepiness, and in severe cases, seizures, coma and death.
Why are you supposed to drink a glass of room temp. water before you workout, instead of cold? That caught my eye and i was wondering...:)