how much water is in a "glass"?

I know you're supposed to have at least 8 "glasses" of water a day, but how much water is in a glass? Eight fluid ounces? Sixteen fluid ounces? I've been drinking 16 fl oz bottles of Fruit2O, since I can't stand the taste of plain water. (0 calories, o fat, 5 mg sodium, 0g sugars, 0g protein). I'm up to two a day.
A normal sized glass is between 6 oz (for the short ones) and 8 oz (for the slightly taller ones)
axel_2078 said:
I'm up to two a day.


typically, 8 8oz glasses are recommended. but if you are active at all, i would take in much, much more...

i drink at least 3 liters a day...sometimes 5 or more...

water is THE most important suppliment to any fitness goal. the benefits of proper hydration cannot be overstated. you will hear some people tell you that too much is bad for would have to drink an obscene amont for this to be true.
i had been drinking 8 glasses of water a day out of party cups, which i recently found out was 16oz glasses lol. so it goes to show its incredibly easy to drink 8 8oz glasses. 8 16oz glasses was....well it was a piss-fest.
freddy said:
you will hear some people tell you that too much is bad for would have to drink an obscene amont for this to be true.

this is called hypotremia and for and average adult the amount of water is around 15-18 Liters. depending if you drank it in a short time. so you can drink this amount if you spread it through out the day, but if you drank it in a short time and thats bad. what happens is your sodium levels go down. which develops into a condition called hyponatremia. anywho it's hard to do so it's not somthing you should worry about.
My glass is 32oz, I have two of those during the work day and at least 3 more later during the day. Seems like a helluva lot but sure keeps me from ever feeling thirsty or hungry during the day.
aim for 1 gallon a day - but remember to spread this out! drinking too much water in a short space of time will wreck havoc in your body - messing with salt and electrolyte levels
wow, i don't think i could ever drink a gallon a day, that's nearly 4 litres! i'm lucky if i drink half that. would it be less if you're a 5'2" female?
Only a little less for shorter people. It takes a few days for your body to develop a taste for water again...really it's your taste buds getting used to 'tasting' water again, and not sweetened beveridges. staying well hydrated allows the body to function better.
Believe it or not, 4 litres in a day is not impossible...

When I work out in the morning, I drink about half a litre, and then another half litre on my way to work (which coincidently, is about 10 minutes away from my home). Before I go home for lunch, I've finished off another litre or so, and in the afternoon, I'm usually filling up my litre bottle once or twice. At home, I usually have 1-2 litres in the time between dinner and bed.

On a good day, I consume between 4-8 litres of water. On a bad day, or when I don't have a spare bottle to refill, it can go as low as 2 litres, but I really can feel that in my joints.
malkore said:
Only a little less for shorter people. It takes a few days for your body to develop a taste for water again...really it's your taste buds getting used to 'tasting' water again, and not sweetened beveridges. staying well hydrated allows the body to function better.

it's not that i prefer other drinks or don't like the taste of water. water is the only thing i drink ever. i obviously just don't drink enough.
True... But, hyponatremia does not take 15-18L to create. It is normally a combination of things. The easiest way to get it is while doing a prolonged workout 3+ hours (think marathon) in hot weather (where you are sweating lots). You basically sweat all of the available salt (sodium) out of your body. You can normally avoid it, no matter how much you drink by taking small doses of salt (either directly or on foods) throughout your workout.

phaledax said:
this is called hypotremia and for and average adult the amount of water is around 15-18 Liters. depending if you drank it in a short time. so you can drink this amount if you spread it through out the day, but if you drank it in a short time and thats bad. what happens is your sodium levels go down. which develops into a condition called hyponatremia. anywho it's hard to do so it's not somthing you should worry about.
I drank 3 litres in 45 minutes yesterday while riding my VersaClimber!


And, I normally drink 1.5 gallons per day.
yes that's true but I was just explaining what would happen if you drink too much, so if your just sitting around drinking alot of water with nothing else, thats about how much it would take for the onset of hyponatremia, which from what I know it's the first thing that would cause harm or death. I read this info in a medical document a long time ago.
Ive never tried the VersaClimber before but it looks quality, I go climbing with my friends once in a while. well neet
rip said:
True... But, hyponatremia does not take 15-18L to create. It is normally a combination of things. The easiest way to get it is while doing a prolonged workout 3+ hours (think marathon) in hot weather (where you are sweating lots). You basically sweat all of the available salt (sodium) out of your body. You can normally avoid it, no matter how much you drink by taking small doses of salt (either directly or on foods) throughout your workout.

I drink 4 litres a day of the H2o

I think it's quite possibly the most refreshing beverage on the face of the earth.. Gatorade ain't got nothin' on it!
