Sport How much should I worry about alcohol??

Sport Fitness
I've been working out for almost a year now, I'm 19 years old, about 5'6 145 lbs. I have never had any issues with weight, I've always been able to eat whatever I want and never really build any gut. I didn't start drinking until last spring (so about 7 months ago). I'm very happy with how I have progressed at the gym, I've gained about 25 pounds in one year, all muscle. Now, I'm concerned with the idea that alcohol messes with muscle growth and is just plain bad for you altogether. But the thing is im in college and about 90% of my friends drink about 5 times a week. I'm not as bad as them but at the same time I do not want to stop drinking all together. I'd say I drink on average twice per week (usually to get drunk = 5,6 beers). Now is this anything to be that concerned about?? It's really weighing on me when I work out and then my friends want to go get drunk afterwards. I want to but I always feel guilty that if I do I'm cancelling out my workout. Will twice a week make that big of a difference then if I never drink again (which isn't happening lol). Say there's a side by side picture of me after 1 year, 1 picture completely sober for a year and the other getting drunk twice per week, both working out 5 times per week. Will there be a big difference in muscle growth???? Thanks for any input, I've researched this, but I just wanted to ask my own questions. And this isn't really a weight issue because like I said my stomach has been flat all my life :D .
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well you know what alcohol does to your bod right so is it worth it? the only one that can answer that is you. i'm in college and i only drink twice a year or so. i get tanked real fast, but i know for me its not worth what it does to me. so i just don't bother.really it is your choice
How much it will affect you is hard to say, affects people differently.

Personally I drank a lot when I was younger, I wasn't too concerned about any later effects then. At about 25 it started packing on the pounds though so I slowed it down. If you are going to do it then make sure to have water before bed and lots the next day, you can alternate a water in with your beers too to reduce any side effects by keeping hydrated.
Sounds good blackedout. I'm trying to keep it to 1-2 times a week. But I'll try to get some water in me when I am drinking, thanks for the advice.
Alcohol is probably the single worst (besides coke, or meth, or something really stupid) thing you can do to yourself if you are trying to build muscle or get in shape. There are too many negatives to list.

I'm not saying you should stay sober through college (laugh). Just remember every time you drink is lost progress. Drink with moderation and you will be alright.

You can minimize the set-backs by pressing all your drinks (add water) ,use diet pop or pure water for mix, stay away from beer and coolers, etc. Don't go to bed drunk! Hydrate untill you are sober, then sleep. I know, thats a tough thing to do, but its all about how important your progress is to you. Also take lots of vitamins, especially B's and C.
I'm trying to keep it at 2 times per week max. I hope that's moderate enough because that's the best I can do. And I'll try not to go to bed wasted although I did last night...I'll try to remember to get some water in me.

What foods or drinks are high in B & C?
cannavaro said:
Drink good quality wine and spirits. Dont drink cheap crap.

I don't think that's happening although I appreciate your input. I doubt the random kegs I encounter are filled with anything but cheap crap :( .
im like Klipse, i get hammerd twice a week, i find it hard not to, its my social life, and as for drinkin good qaulity wines and drink, they cost money! ha
try the light beers

If you like getting drunk off beer -- try the light ones, like Michelobe Ultra or Rolling Rock Light. They have the same alcohol content of any other beer, but much less calories and carbs. The taste isnt to bad either, for a nationally marketed and distributed brand. Unfortunatly, the good micro brews done usually come light, yet.

my drinking weakness is tequila though
Crazylegs said:
Alcohol is probably the single worst (besides coke, or meth, or something really stupid) thing you can do to yourself if you are trying to build muscle or get in shape. There are too many negatives to list.

I'm not saying you should stay sober through college (laugh). Just remember every time you drink is lost progress. Drink with moderation and you will be alright.

You can minimize the set-backs by pressing all your drinks (add water) ,use diet pop or pure water for mix, stay away from beer and coolers, etc. Don't go to bed drunk! Hydrate untill you are sober, then sleep. I know, thats a tough thing to do, but its all about how important your progress is to you. Also take lots of vitamins, especially B's and C.

dont go to bed drunk...explain to me how after 10 drinks you can sober yourself up by drinking water....once people start to drink they drink and they drink and they drink.
you cant sober yourself up by drinking water, atleast i dont think so. you might sober up faster, but i dont think theres anything saying "drink 5 liters of water and ur sober"
thing is, alcohol affects this hormone called ADH, which regulates your urination.
you urinate ALOT more when drinking alcohol than you would if drinking the same ammount of water, thus you will dehydrate and your bran doesnt get enough water and you get a hangover. so, if you drink lots of water you wont get as much of a hangover i have also heard that you should eat food that has fat in it, i dont know why, so dont quote me on thatone.

and if you go to sleep drunk, the body has to focus on fixing the drunk damages instead of building up your muscle, so i think thats why going to bed drunk is bad.
Karky, nice comment from you. I heard the same thing about eating fats could help. however, it is not wise over drinking though there is these comments here of taking advantage water and fat. that is weird idea though when you are drunk you dont have choice rather than taking some litres of clean water. cheers