I've been working out for almost a year now, I'm 19 years old, about 5'6 145 lbs. I have never had any issues with weight, I've always been able to eat whatever I want and never really build any gut. I didn't start drinking until last spring (so about 7 months ago). I'm very happy with how I have progressed at the gym, I've gained about 25 pounds in one year, all muscle. Now, I'm concerned with the idea that alcohol messes with muscle growth and is just plain bad for you altogether. But the thing is im in college and about 90% of my friends drink about 5 times a week. I'm not as bad as them but at the same time I do not want to stop drinking all together. I'd say I drink on average twice per week (usually to get drunk = 5,6 beers). Now is this anything to be that concerned about?? It's really weighing on me when I work out and then my friends want to go get drunk afterwards. I want to but I always feel guilty that if I do I'm cancelling out my workout. Will twice a week make that big of a difference then if I never drink again (which isn't happening lol). Say there's a side by side picture of me after 1 year, 1 picture completely sober for a year and the other getting drunk twice per week, both working out 5 times per week. Will there be a big difference in muscle growth???? Thanks for any input, I've researched this, but I just wanted to ask my own questions. And this isn't really a weight issue because like I said my stomach has been flat all my life