Sport How much should I be eating

Sport Fitness
I've put my weight loss days behind me after dropping from 106kg to a happy 58.5kg and I'm finding it hard to get out of the diet mindset and I need to start eating for performance. I'm currently training for a half marathon and want to keep my body pretty much looking the way it does, so maintain my lean muscle mass.

This week my training plan is- Monday 15km run, Tuesday lower body weights, Wednesday 15km run Thursday upper body weights, Friday 15km run and Saturday full body weights then Sunday rest day. I find that when I run in the morning I don't tend to feel my hunger throughout the day so I have to watch what I eat closely for recovery.

This was my eating for today...
8am Woke up- starving
1 cup of sultana bran with a cup of low fat milk
1 cup of 100 calorie muesli with left over milk
A cup of tea

Went for my run at 9:30am

Berries and half a banana with natural yoghurt
Serving of rice crackers

1:30pm Lunch
Multigrain bread with avocado, turkey, cranberry sauce and salad
Slice of homemade raspberry bread- wholewheat flour, greek yoghurt, egg etc.

4:30 Suddenly starving
2 slices of multigrain bread with vegemite and cheese
1 apple
Muesli bar
A couple of almonds

7:30 Dinner
Rice noodles with prawns, asian vegetables and soy sauce, fish sauce etc
Light icecream in a cone
A couple more almonds

I'll probably be feeling hungry soon again, actually in saying that I'm already hungry.

Help! I need guidance. What would be the best to eat tomorrow morning, I'm planning on doing weights at around 9am.

I forgot some details as you can tell, I can run far distances and would consider myself very fit for my age. I'm female 20 years old 166cm 58kg and I'm not too sure of my body fat.
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I think 58 kg comes out to 128 pounds or so? In that case, a rough number I came up with is 2,000 calories to just maintain. With that said, you would likely need quite a bit more, as a 15K (9.3 miles) run is burning a TON of energy. You might up the calories by 500-1,000 on those days, as I'm sure you are burning over 1,000 on the run.
Mark's calorie numbers sound about right, if a bit on the conservative side. It's a trial-and-error process, really. However, you shouldn't just go suddenly eating twice as many calories. Slowly increase, a few hundred calories a week, unless you find you're dropping weight, in which case you do whatever it takes to survive! :p

It looks like you may need to eat considerably more protein. Hard to tell without info re: the size of your portions. Aim for 30g at every meal. And instead of eating filler fluff (see: everything but the prawns) before bed, eat something that will keep your body fed while you're sleeping (slow digesting proteins and fats), like a cup of cottage cheese, and an ounce or two of almonds (or, some people like peanut butter).

Before weight training tomorrow, try the cereal with (chocolate?) milk that's had a scoop of whey blended into it.

moar protein!
That's a quick pace if you did 15km in half an hour. :eek2:

Yeah, I was assuming that was an estimate. Pretty sure she's not running 9 and a half 3 minute miles consecutively. :p In fact, I'm pretty sure she's not running any 3 minute miles. Last I knew the female world record was over 4 minutes for a single mile.

Edit: But, y'know, we shouldn't judge. Could be she's related to The Flash.
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I've put my weight loss days behind me after dropping from 106kg to a happy 58.5kg and I'm finding it hard to get out of the diet mindset and I need to start eating for performance. I'm currently training for a half marathon and want to keep my body pretty much looking the way it does, so maintain my lean muscle mass.

This week my training plan is- Monday 15km run, Tuesday lower body weights, Wednesday 15km run Thursday upper body weights, Friday 15km run and Saturday full body weights then Sunday rest day. I find that when I run in the morning I don't tend to feel my hunger throughout the day so I have to watch what I eat closely for recovery.

This was my eating for today...
8am Woke up- starving
1 cup of sultana bran with a cup of low fat milk
1 cup of 100 calorie muesli with left over milk
A cup of tea

Went for my run at 9:30am

Berries and half a banana with natural yoghurt
Serving of rice crackers

1:30pm Lunch
Multigrain bread with avocado, turkey, cranberry sauce and salad
Slice of homemade raspberry bread- wholewheat flour, greek yoghurt, egg etc.

4:30 Suddenly starving
2 slices of multigrain bread with vegemite and cheese
1 apple
Muesli bar
A couple of almonds

7:30 Dinner
Rice noodles with prawns, asian vegetables and soy sauce, fish sauce etc
Light icecream in a cone
A couple more almonds

I'll probably be feeling hungry soon again, actually in saying that I'm already hungry.

Help! I need guidance. What would be the best to eat tomorrow morning, I'm planning on doing weights at around 9am.

I forgot some details as you can tell, I can run far distances and would consider myself very fit for my age. I'm female 20 years old 166cm 58kg and I'm not too sure of my body fat.

When is milk considered to be leftover? :cool:
:11doh: Probably would've helped if I looked at the previous meal...well done :) Anyway, congrats on the weight loss, a really big weight loss.
Congrats on the weight loss.

The good thing now is that you can get away with a lot of things that you previously couldn't get away with.

With that said, try experimenting a bit here. Don't stress about the calories, instead stress about the amount and kind of food you eat. You will probably gain and lose weight as you try this, but eventually you'll be able to maintain a healthy weight once you figure the correct balance of eating throughout the day.

As for running, the ideal thing to eat would be carbs. I'm running a half this August 31, so I'll be with you in running! What I like to do prior to a big run like a 5k or whatever is to eat pasta every night 5 days prior, and drink massive amount of water - about three gallons worth throughout the day. I usually run light for the week and usually don't do any sort of exercise 3 days prior to prevent injury and recovery a bit. Then on run day, it's fresh out of the cannon. Good stuff.

Good luck.
everypenny , great work on the weight loss. You are aussie right? Where abouts you from.

Sydney :)